Monday, July 31, 2023

Going Commando

Hey bud, where did you get that Negro camouflage as I want some too.

They can quickly cross the shallow Dnieper and attack Energodar, they will cross the wide coastal plain, and advance towards the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant,” Turkish military experts said.

The Turks also stress that the operation to breach the "Surovikin Line" will involve not only the special forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but also the special forces (SOF) of the USA, Poland, and Britain. It is these countries that insist on occupying Energodar at any cost

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

One of my favorite war movies is Mel Gibson's We were Soldiers Once....and Young. It is the story of a new operational command in Vietnam, using the 7th Air Cavalry with Hughes helicopters which transported American troops into enemy positions to surprise and overwhelm them.

In this movie, the 7th landed in a hot zone, and it was backed by dug in North Vietnamese troops in mountain tunnels. What became a landing zone, soon had NVA swarming like hornets all around the American position. The Americans were pinned down, calling in reinforcements, blasting new landing zones, calling in air and artillery fire and were being overrun.

What saved them was the commander called in fire on his own position, called Broken Arrow. The commander than counter attacked as the NVA hoped, and at that point the Americans fell back and their airpower destroyed the NVA troops in their counter offensive.

The reason the Lame Cherry brings this movie up, is the Russians have developed unbreakable lines to the strategy and tactics of NATO. They have killed 30,000 Kiev Nazi troops in a month of fighting. It has been a slaughter which is the responsibility of Kiev, DC and London.

NATO can not break through lines, so the new Turkish leaked information is a massive air assault by Kiev Nazis using helicopters as in Vietnam, with reports that Americans, Poles and English will be a part of this. to break through the Russian lines which seems to be to isolate Crimea, to starve that population out, and to use the nuclear power plant held by Russians as a sort of battle zone to pollute thee entire region. This is how Kiev, London and DC, foresee a peace negotiating bargaining chip.

The Lame Cherry laid out a dual thrust for the offensive of Kiev, to seize Crimea and hold Belgorod hostage. All of that was wasted, but it is now going to be left to a few tens of thousands helo troops to cause trouble in the Russian lines and break them.

The Lame Cherry will be short on this. This will not work. It will be murderous for NATO Kiev.

In an interview with journalist Yulia Latynina, he said that the head of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Valery Zaluzhny, is now solving two problems, access to the sea and cutting off the land corridor to Crimea.

After that, he added, two million Crimean citizens will be held hostage "without water and food" and then "the Russian leadership can negotiate."

"Zaluzni solves two problems, access to the sea and cutting off the land corridor, cutting off Crimea, demolishing the bridge and that's it.

We have two million people in Crimea who will have nowhere to go, who have neither water nor food, then we can bargain," said Arestovich.

Earlier, Kiev's representative in Crimea, Tamila Tasheva, said how "after the liberation" of the peninsula, the Ukrainian authorities will treat its population. He said up to 800,000 people would be expelled from the region "by force".

The hardest operations for a military are projecting force in an attack, a paratroop landing. a sea landing and the ability to pivot to maneuver for a new attack while in combat. One could add retreat as one of the most difficult of all.

It requires great skill to make a helicopter landing in force. In Vietnam, simple anti aircraft machine gun fire chewed up Hughies. The Russians have far more capable munitions to blow American transports and gunships out of the sky coming into Russian lines.

Once a landing zone is created, then the troops there will have a hornet's nest of Russians firing at their fixed position. Artillery will open up and now the Russians know exactly where all resupply will come to reinforce and they will obliterate that. A position without supply or reinforcement is a graveyard.

The Americans has a name for it, in it being turkey shoot.

The Russians have over one hundred thousand troops on their lines. Kiev can not land the tens of thousands needed for the kind of operation they envision and they can not supply them.
Kiev unlike Mel Gibson's movie does not have air power or artillery reach to keep their position from being overrun nor to drive the Russians back.

In knowing these realities, the Russians will not leave thousands of Nazi terrorists and their supports in the Russian lines. They will respond with thermobarics to suffocate this landing zone.

This entire operation is Bay of Pigs by the CIA and why John Kennedy shut it down as it was an invasion disaster. Again the Lame Cherry repeats, the hardest part of military operations are projections of force. An air landing is 10 times worse than a land advance and a sea landing is 100 times worse.

These NATO trained Nazis have proven like their foreign advisers in being capable of any type of successful operation.

Earlier, Kiev's representative in Crimea, Tamila Tasheva, said how "after the liberation" of the peninsula, the Ukrainian authorities will treat its population. He said up to 800,000 people would be expelled from the region "by force".

If there are real American, Polish and British troops involved in this. They will be invading Russian territory. That is an act of terrorism or an act of war. That means war between the United States and Russia, over Crimea, which has 800,000 Russians living there who voted to be with Russia and who fought against NATO and Kiev genocide.

As most of you require examples to understand, what would you think if Eskimos, Russians and Chechens landed in Alaska, and blew up things and starved those people out?

What would you think if China, North Korea and Hawaiians joined to invade Hawaii and starved all the White people out?

That is what the Turkish intelligence is reporting is what America, London and Poland are about to initiate.

This operation has zero changes of long term goal success and about 3% of landing troops to any effect before Russia obliterates them. There will not be a London, DC, Kiev and Warsaw axis of blackmail to Moscow.

Nothing is left to be said.

Nuf Said
