Monday, July 31, 2023

on Obama pond


Initial reports said Barack and Michelle Obama were not on their property on Martha’s Vineyard at the same their personal chef drowned under mysterious circumstances.

Now, it turns out the former president and former first lady Obama were indeed on Martha’s Vineyard at the same time their personal chef drowned.

Obama’s office previously claimed that Barack and Michelle were not at the property when the chef drowned, but the story has been quickly altered.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry has explained to you, that when official stories change and when the reported data does not match the facts, then there is a cover up as people are lying.

In the death of this dumbwaiter that Obama's call their "chef" there are a litany of parts of this which do not add up. The dumbwaiter resides in Virginia. Why is he up at the Obama's home as a chef? Does he commute that distance?

Then there is the story of the Obama press office, which stated they were not at Martha's Vineyard. They now apparently were on the island, but where they were is being hidden in the details. Obama Inc. does not want people know where this duo was at, and if this is an operation that someone knocked off the dumbwaiter, then they would want as part of this the embarrassing details of where the image and Muchelle were.

Then there is the specific depth of the water. The Lame Cherry broke the information that this pond is only 3 to 4 feet deep. It is NOT 8 feet deep. Where did this number come from? Did the police measure the water depth, and it just happened to be exactly 8 feet.........not 8 feet 2.3 inches. After all this is an official report and cops are supposed to be accurate. That 8 feet sounds like a number dreamed up as a cover story, as people would be asking, "Why in the hell did this 6.6 foot tall black man, drown in water half as deep as he was tall, instead of standing up?

We are told there was a witness. We are told that someone phoned 9 11 from the Obama residence. That is odd too, as apparently this dumbwaiter was not there with his wife and kids. He was out paddling with someone else and in this age of Obama million dollar private property and cell phones.......why was there not a phone laying with the towels and bottled water on the water's edge? They brought a paddle boat..........but no towels or cell phone?

So who was the dumbwaiters "date"? Was it image Obama? Is that what the Obama mansion is, a gay tryst site where black men like Obama go for a rendezvous of sex? Was the sex partner a Secret Service Agent? 

For that, if this came from Bidencon, was there a scuba guy there like for William Colby, that swam up, and pulled this unsuspecting dumbwaiter down for the count as someone was looking to resurrect the dead men that piled up around bi sexual Obama back in 2008 AD in the year of our Lord.

Have a look at the Obama history, knowing that Muchelle has been writing books to be president, been out setting policy to be president. Obama Inc is behind the coup against Dictator Biden. It seems that RFK II talked to the Obamas as much as Jew Street, Chuck Schumer to make this run to unseat Pedo Joe. Is this a reality of the Biden mafia in their crime family, putting a body in the water to blackmail the Obama's over their past murder spree to cover up that Barry liked his dick fluted with coke snorted on the tum tum.

Meet you on the other side.

Three gay Black male acquaintances of Obama who were all members of
Rev. Jeremiah Wright's Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago all
died within 40 days of one another - two murdered execution style.

ONE church

THREE openly gay men

ALL three men were acquaintances of each other and Obama.

Obama is rumored to be a closet bisexual.

Larry Bland

Murdered Nov. 17, 2007

he died from a bullet to the back of the head.

Donald Young was 47 years old when he was murdered; he was the choir
master at trinity United Church of Christ and had aspirations of
becoming a school principal. Young had just completed double Master's
degrees in Early Childhood Education and Mathematics.

Murdered Dec. 23, 2007

He died of multiple gunshot wounds.


Is is such a difficult thing in knowing the details about every person's life, that the public in a death, associated with historic Obama 44, that we should know who was dating the dumbwaiter? Where and what exactly were the Obama's doing? Who made the phone call to 9 11? Why was the water reported 8 feet deep when it was only 4 feet at the most? Has there been an investigation which looked for foul play in the murder of this dumbwaiter?

Apparently law enforcement did suspect something was not right with this death as that was the first thing they examined.

Massachusetts State Police said on Tuesday that an autopsy found no evidence that the death was suspicious and no trauma or injuries were found on Campbell’s body. A paddle-boarder who was at the pond with Campbell when the tragedy unfolded told law enforcement that the late chef was standing on his paddleboard when he lost balance.

“He was not wearing a personal flotation device and was not leashed to the paddleboard. The fellow paddle boarder tried to swim to Mr Campbell’s location but did not reach him in time,” the update read. “The other paddle boarder then swam to shore and notified a person on shore of what had happened.”

The 911 phone call reveals that the caller was professional, sounding a great deal like Secret Service. The story reveals that whoever the date was of the dumbwaiter, that they reported to the Secret Service. Get that point. They did not call 911. They wanted to insulate themselves from being exposed.

Put yourself in this position. You see someone drowned. You get out of the water in hysteria. You would reach for your phone, if not on the beach, you are going to run to your car where your phone is. This person did not do this. This person did not seek a phone. They sought the Secret Service handlers, because their first instinct was either they could not get to a phone in the house, as they were not supposed to be there, or they wanted the insulation of the Secret Service to hide who they were.

Whoever this person is. The Maryland State Police hid who they were. They did this to protect the Obama Inc from something in who this person was. This person was either a homosexual boyfriend, an Obama staffer, a Secret Service Agent, one of the Obama daughters or one of the Obama duo themselves.

We know this was a macho paddle board scene as the dumbwaiter was showing off by standing up on the board. That is an attempt to impress someone.

There are more questions in this than answers as even Elon Musk at Twitter is in on the cover up in suppressing information. I doubt this was just an accident by the reaction of the Obama machine. They lied and the police are covering. 

Whatever was going on at the Obama Pond, it is now being covered up. This all centers on Muchelle having her political claws in the water.

As a tease for tomorrow from Rense. com, the Lame Cherry explores this photo of image Obama after the incident on Obama Pond. Image Obama has a black eye and two smashed fingers.

A dead person dumbwaiter in Obama pond, drowning in 3 feet of water, and now image Obama appears with evidence that he has been beat up.

Nuff Said
