Thursday, July 6, 2023

HAARP Rain Snow Cocktail

I don't need God because I have DuPont for fertilizer,
Bayer for Frankenseed and I make it rain by irrigation in HAARP chem cocktails

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is something I desired to address in observations concerning the HAARP rain and snows in the chemicals and metals in the snow are changing the way soil holds moisture.

Wigington - Magnetic Particles In The Rain?
See For Yourself In This Remarkable Video

This chemical snow and rain is "dry", it does not seem to have moisture in it. I realize that is like saying that water is not wet, but it is what is being leeched out into the soil which is making changes. It is a drying agent, which is of course a huge problem in creating droughts even when it rains. If the soil can be made to not hold water, then it dries out, just as sand dries out faster than clay, and both need organic matter to hold water molecules.

I remember reading about British coffee plantations in the jungles of Africa, and seeing stunning photos of the now defunct plantations literally having balls of soil, instead of soil, because the content of the soil was depleted. I can not recall the reason, but it had something to having a high metallic content, perhaps cobalt. This then returns us to the science of chem spraying, as they are chems, the moisture of the snow and rain is drier, and what it leaves in the ground is a drying agent, because whatever this brew is, in order to make these super storms and moisture deluges, it requires an agent which dries the the atmosphere out.

This now is compounded in the soil is not holding moisture as HAARP is being overcome by the historical drought cycle as the Lame Cherry alerted all to. It is a double dose.

As we were driving the long way to town, I noticed my prediction had come true, in there was one of these multi millionaire farmers who had churned up his field like rats had invaded. That is drain tiles, so he can get in and farm early. Sitting in that field was an irrigation system. Yes farmers are now being told to drain moisture out of the soil, flood everyone out, deplete the aquifers, and then drain the aquifers through irrigation. They do not need God. I mentioned that to God as it is past time that there is a real reckoning to rid the world of these head up their twat farmers. They though refused to rotate crops for less fertilizer and went bankrupt over that, so now why not just make a drought in your soil and think you can irrigate to a crop. I can tell you from experience that nothing grows plants like God in rain and soil moisture. Irrigation does not ever match up to real God given weather.

I'm just telling you that something is in this chem trail formula which is turning ground dry and making it reaction like Hebrews making mud bricks in Egypt. That is going to be a disaster as it was in Africa, as there is not enough organic matter to ever replenish the soil. It will take a thousand years of land being idle prairie for what is being done to the dirt by the HAARP Chem Cocktails.

Nuff Said


