Wednesday, July 5, 2023

No Future Purpose


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The one achievement for the Kiev Nazi has been the Kherson bridge, a indefensible position for the Russians, but a bridge link to their forces on the Ukrainian side.

Ukraine has put a great deal of effort into this political stunt, the Russians having attempted to keep the bridgehead and retake it, have for the past month been active and absorbing losses. That changed as June ended, as Russia moved to sever the bridge as Ukraine had begun establishing an operational platform on the Russian side.

Today, soldiers of the Dnepr group hit Ukrainian positions with an Iskander missile.

According to Saldo, the Armed Forces of Ukraine lost up to 30 people and about ten more soldiers were injured.

"The rest are hiding on both sides of the bridge, in the dachas. Now the artillery is operating effectively on them. After that, the special forces of the Dnepr group will start the final liquidation,"  said the head of the district.

Russian military correspondent Alexander Kharchenko emphasized that the Iskander strike was accurate.

“'Iskander' hit exactly where it should. Periodically, the artillery also operates with TOS-1 in the area of ​​the bridge. Ukrainian soldiers feel uncomfortable there, but they continue to hold” 

There is a massive artillery duel on both sides of the Dneiper as each side is targeting the other.  This akin to the trench warfare of World War I. The point of this is, is that Kiev has forces on the Russian side, which it can not defend and resupply is exposed. This is not a threat to Crimea or Russia. Yes if artillery were advanced, it would be, but that is not going to happen, as a concentration of this force would bring long range air strikes by Russia. So these Nazi will die by fire literally and thus will end another Zellinskky propaganda stunt.

Instead Zellinskyy is telling NATO that he is not going to go the NATO summit unless he is rewarded with a NATO membership. Zellinskyy is a loser, his oligarch generals are losers, his troops are losers and they were trained by loser NATO led by England.

NATO has concluded that this dwarf Jew Zellinskyy does not measure up.

“The president will not travel... to the summit [on July 11-12] if the leaders will tend to or will show a deficit of courage,” Igor Zhovka told Reuters, explaining that there would be “no point.”

The Ashkejew of Ukraine have established that they can sell out a Slavic country completely, can genocide the Slavic population and are proficient at laundering money and weapons. As to the art of warfare, they are thee most incompetent buffoons, since the last American cartel disaster.....that would either be Syria, Afghanistan or January 6th.

Ukraine was designed as Auschwitz, without the Germany efficiency of economics. The costs are too high, but the costs are meant to be profits as the West dumps it's old weapons into Ukraine for "lend lease" and eliminates the native population for a new Kazharian Empire.

NATO does not want these Kiev Nazis. They are losers and their cartel backers are a problem. Kiev is a platform to Russia, once Russia is obtained, Kiev has zero purpose, so one does not give access to something which has no future purpose.

Kiev in future tense is as worthless as the few Nazis holding ground on the Russian side of the bridge.

Nuff Said
