Saturday, July 15, 2023

Hang your flashlights up.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As it is impossible to find flashlights worth a blessing anymore, I'm  picking up old ones in the Thrift. Today I came upon one that I thought was another damn Chinaman, and as it was a buck, I picked it up as it said OK on it.

I got home, loaded in 4 triple AAA batteries and turned it on. It shines like a car head lamp. Impressive LED.

No I'm not getting free flashlights from Coast which I looked up the brand and I think the one I got was 20 bucks.......worth the dollar I paid for it. I would love it if they would sponsor the popular girl, but that is the way things go.

What this is more about is this flashlight had a slot in it for a lanyard. So I had a feed sack string from this morning and did a four thing with it and looped her through the lanyard hole and now it is hanging up on my gun rack in the bedroom.

That is what I'm offering for advice. I don't care if you hang your flashlights up on door knobs. on nails on the wall, on coat hooks......but HANG THEM UP. I have lost enough flashlights as they crawl away or walk away from places I thought I put them that I learned to HANG UP THE FLASHLIGHT as it is amazing that even in the dark when you need a flashlight, you can always find one hanging up. Put them in a drawer or on a bed table and you will be feeling around like Stevie Wonder and cussing where that flashlight is.

I know most of you use your cell phones. Great. But this is about having something handy. I actually have some pretty good flashlights now. If I had the big donors I think I would invest in some of these Coast ones as they are almost too bright. Now you would not want these in a situation where some criminal was around you, as it lights up like an atomic bomb. For that you want some worthless little light, but for other things this is a day glow beam of white light. It was impressive and is even more so because I have it hanging up where I can get at it and it will not be lost.

That is your million dollar survival knowledge for today.

Nuff Said
