Saturday, July 15, 2023

America's Reptilian Brain Stem Pulled Up By The Roots


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

We were at JYG's the other day and he always has the wide screen on as it is hooked to his security cameras. We are probably the only people he uses his buzzer on to alert us to where he is at.

He was eating brats that day.

He had on CNN as he usually has some reality program on, and I never watch television, so it stunned me to see what cunt licker, glowing, woke fags are on display there. They literally gushed over Biden and like some Grandmother telling Wally Cleaver he should not pick boogers in public as it is not nice, were explaining things to liberals in thee most low IQ way.

It was so condescending to people who think they are all geniuses like John Cusack that it just was alarming to know that the cartel has judged liberals to be so asstard that they can talk down to them as they will not quetion a thing in their vax brains. Look, FOX viewers are the same shit for brains group "on the right" being herded around so do not think this is just liberals. It is though troubling to me how incapable the American left is now.

The glowing report was of Biden, using a plagiarized script from Frank Roosevelt in how Russia thought they could break NATO in Ukraine and they did not.

Then there was a story about devastating inflation not being so bad as it dropped a few points. (The reason it dropped is used car sales plummeted.........due to these invaders have all the cars they can drive or they can not drive.)

Then there was Iowa passing a 6 week aborticide ban, lamenting that most women do not even know they are preggo by then. Yes, but Minnesota will pull babies from the womb and slaughter them, so you can still murder in the womb, and there are piles of RU 486 now being dispensed and women can poison babies in their wombs to birth and no one can stop them. This abortion issue is so lame and for the cartel to use it to ramp up liberals, reveals that liberals really are without a reasoning process.

CNN is apparently Biden's re election platform as they were explaining how all this great news would help him.

Oh and then there was FBI Director Christopher Wray doing what CNN thought was a haymaker GOTCHA on Matt Gaetz, in telling Gaetz how many thugs in Florida want to join the FBI. Yes Wray can not tell us how many FBI assets were framing people on Jan6, but he has data to know how many people are applying to join the FBI.

Wray was successful in alienating Americans from trusing the FBI and now has told America that the FBI is overflowing with applications from people who think that framing people on Jan6, spying on Catholics, intimidating parents and whatever else the FBI has been promoting is a great thing for a police state to engage in.

That sounds like a list of psychopaths who would be drawn to that, like Joe Stalin or Pol Pot, but Director Wray is really pleased with his new recruits.

If you think about it, Americans have sworn off in imprisoning themselves in Lloyd Austons woke military that is hunting down White  People, but the FBI has burgeoning ranks from the same America. That is a forensic psychological projection. It means the White Cracker race has figured out that it is being genocided in combat like Zellinskyy in Kiev is holocausting the Slavs. In America, we now have a leftist John Cusack primate group which is attracted to an FBI which is projecting police state power to intimidate, frame, imprison, drive to suicide and murder other Americans. People are drawn to what validates them or excites them in empowerment. The Cracker is not excited by Army Suicide, but the liberal is enticed by a holocaust without Nazi work to death camps, in eliminating people who do not submit to their more complete Woke perversion of thought.

The reasoning process does not occur to these recruits or the employees of the police state, that when they do what they are doing, that if the other group ever gets power, they are going to unleash the same unConstituional actions.

This though is the CNN audience, millions of people who have a record in calling for political assassination, forced vaxing, having no problem with Slavic genocide in Ukraine and invasion by millions of foreigners who are going to eat them when they are given the green light as these foreigners are protected and promoted by orders from this same FBI.

There is absolutely no hope in this in the Lame Cherry projections. The vax has affected minds and reasoning. It has made people more irascible. The reasoning process has been retarded through numerous means from chemicals to electronics. There is not a Spirit of God in the leftists to overcome this deadening of minds with Inspiration.

America has 50 years of people who are cannon fodder for invading rapine. These people can not reason, they can not negotiate rugged indvidual survival. There is not a process in them to reason out to learn, in the type of societal meltdown where a person will have to figure out ways to survive when displaced or disrupted.

There is only so much junk a Mexican can live off of in America, before the junk pile is gone. America has been pulled up by the brain stem so even the reptilian brain is no longer functioning for survival.

More proof on the right..........people with money on the right will not donate in the sum they should to survive for the information they steal from here. That causes debt with God, fury with God as God does not like people stealing from poor people like me, and more to the point, that debt is then perpetually collected off of by force by satan. God will not protect them and satan will destroy them. Debt to this poor orphan girl is a high price to pay in life here and eternal death later.

The retarded on the left are evident. Those on the right are destroying themselves by selfish ardour.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

