Judge Holly Meyer
Take it out in Trade
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
We all know the wonderful son of Pedo Dictator Joe Biden in Pedo Hunter Biden.
I do not know all the details of his paternity suit, other than he knocked up a stripper in Arkansas who was a good looking woman and had a good looking kid.
Now Hunter who gets millions in bribes from Ukraine and China has been ordered to pay 20,000 dollars a month in child support. Hunter thinks that is too much, so a judge looking after the child's interests..........issued this following ruling.
The child instead of child support, get a Hunter Biden painting.
I see potential in this as I would like to pay my bills with Lame Cherry posts. Yes I would if non donors would donate, but maybe you could do the same thing in offering up your crocheting or sometime. I would like to try this with the IRS, but I think they would audit me for the next 5000 years for thinking I was jacking them around.
Not Hunter Biden though, as the judge said this is all kosher.
Now Hunter, says his paintings are worth half a million dollars......none have ever sold for that. I think one sold for under half that to some suck up or person being blackmailed by Bidencon.
Meet you on the other side for the punchline in this.
Biden agreed to assign the child a number of his paintings for a period of time, “which shall vary in size with a minimum size of 24×24,” according to the filing. “The child shall select the painting which shall either be sent to the child or sent to a gallery designated by Lunden Roberts. The net proceeds of any sales of paintings shall be wired to an account designated by Lunden Roberts,”
So a kid that has no conception of anything, is into the position of choosing from things that look like wallpaper that sells for 12 bucks a roll.
Once chosen, the wallpaper is either sent to the child where no one will buy it, or it is sent to a dealer where no one will buy it..........last time I checked if someone gives you worthless shit it is not going to be worth anything. In reality, a judge who one has to wonder has been promised a higher bench for this ruling, just made it legal for Hunter Biden to not pay child support.
Where is it standard child support that a dead beat dad can give a kid some lumber if they won't pay child support? Here Kiddo, have a set of P 235 tires off my truck, they still got some miles on them. If you get hungry just boil them up as that will stick with you.
Somehow the math I do does not add up, a WORTHLESS PAINTING sitting in my playroom is not the same as 20,000 dollars in the bank. Walmart does not have a "trade your worthless painting in for a 12 pack of coke" checkout lane.
Maybe drug dealers should get this judge, as they can send a kilo of coke to their toddler, instead of money as that is the way to go. Maybe the Jan6ers can post bail by towing into the court the cars they have on blocks. There would seem to be no end to this.
LMSou a moouamp ppp meppa btomoa
There you go, a novel by Lame Cherry, with a billion dollars. All my money problems are solved.
When the courts can take everything Alex Jones has to pay his fines, then why is not Judge Holly Meyer seizing the million dollar mansions that Hunter Biden owns to protect his child's support, instead of giving this kid wallpaper that even Walmart would not sell.
7 days ago ... The four-bedroom, two-and-a-half-bathroom property spans 3,000 square feet and reportedly sold for $3.3 million (£2.6m) in 2019. The home comes ...
Like all dead beats, Hunter Biden needs to be ordered to pay what he owes in full to provide for his child or he gets to go to prison and work for a 1.25 a day to pay of his child support.
I'm betting the money from Ukraine and China would appear by magic to pay Hunter's child support then.
Nuff Said