As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
If we are to believe Thomas Jefferson, Attorney General Merrick Garland, US corporate media, ANTIFA and BLM, then the mob is always right, as they have assembled to protest an infringement upon their rights.
In France, their dictator, Manny Macron, jives to the beat of homosexual Elton John in concert, as John refuses to play America due to non promotion of gender mutilations of defining children, as France has become a giant Muslim Molotov Cocktail.
Macron At Elton John Concert While France Burns
French Riots - 2 Off-Duty Police Officers ‘Beaten
Like Dogs' By Muslim Invader Mob In Brutal Video
The Worse It Gets In France, The Less US Corp
Media Is Covering It And We Know Why
Here's What Open Borders And Forced Multi-
Culturalism Did To The Streets Of Paris
As stated, according to Attorney General Merrick Garland of the Department of Justice, the mob is always correct and should be supported, in his examples of ANTIFA and BLM. Therefore like the French Revolution, the mob in Paris and other cities are correct in physically promoting their grievances as the French regime is not giving these people redress to the infringement of their rights.
Why the US media is censoring all of this is a mystery as they gave full coverage to ANTIFA and BLM, burning, raping, robbing and murdering across America for an entire year.
One person who was not silent was Nostradamus. He actually foresaw in an end time period, Paris being burned down by Muslims. He also saw Prince Harry kidnapped by Muslims which would benefit MI6 and MI5 in dealing with this stable boy or unstable mind problem for King Charles.
Thankfully in the United States the Attorney General embraces rioters, as in France, they are a very backwards people in family members do not inform on other family members as in January 6th and France does not have an FBI which spies on people and has conglomerates handing over personal data to frame people with as they present the "evidence" to the courts.
France would not have any of these riots if they just did like America in erasing the French, as they framed people and held them as political prisoners in torturing them.
America is most fortunate in the age of pedophile dictator Joe Biden, so have so many fellow travelers that protests in America do not happen, as Americans go quietly off into the night.
If only France had the right kind of woke, France would not be in riot. France should immediately appoint DIE councils of Diversity, Inclusion and Exchange as America has. France should put these rioters into parliament and hand the police force over to them. This is what America is ruled by with a token "whistle blower" to make the right think that they have a voice.
The French must bring the rioters off the street and into the halls of power, a these are not White People like on January 6th who should be framed and forced into committing suicide, these are people who real grievances and are only acting out as they are not given voice by the French authorities.
As Merrick Garland said, "The fire of protest is the flame which renders the political fat of tyranny from the body politic".
America is so fortunate to have such visionary as Merrick Garland to not let the United States become France.
The great joy of being a prosecutor is that you don't take whatever case walks in the door.
- Attorney General Merrick Garland