Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Jack it Up


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

So when Silly Pony rammed the Custer Edition of the 1970 Ford F 250 into a buffalo's ass in hunting them, it pushed the front grill support up and in and shattered the grill.

It was so bad that you could not even slip your fingers in for the hood latch. As I have explained what I did to get it open in God did it with a little prying, this is the fix you will not find in any book.

The radiator mount on these Fords is quite robust and what I was Inspired to do is to use a green jack, and hook the one lip on the mounting and based the jack on the grill mount and voila, jacked it 3 clicks and it bent it back to where it should be, in a repeated operation.

I still have to go and do one more pop on the left side, to make it even, but that is the fix on the horizon part of the grill. The pulling the grill back out in the mount, I will just hook a come along on it, onto some solid object and ratchet it outward to the desired place it should have been, providing an Indian did not ram the pick up into a buffalo's ass end.

It has been a long day. I learned more about Silly Pony in his digressions in it is better news than worse news, but that is another post.

Nuff Said

