Tuesday, July 25, 2023

The Bear and her 500,000 Cubs


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is providing what is a gamechanger alert from this Belarussian commentator who has been very thorough and connected with information on what is taking place in the various battles in Ukraine.

It was this latest installment which caught my attention.

Upcoming 500,000 Russian Troop Mobilization - Russians Creating A New Army To Oppose NATO
And Are Buying Masses Of Body Armor Sets From China - Complete Ground Fighting Update Along
The Full Length Of The Line Of Combat 

This is a window of 3 to 6 months to assemble this force. This is not an occupation force for Ukraine being defeated. This is a combat extension force. This is in addition to the hundreds of thousands operating successfully in Ukraine and the border forces, which are Russia's best, sitting from Finland to the Baltic states.

Once Ukraine is liberated, that 250,000 force will augment the 500,000. That then becomes an expeditionary force of 750,000 troops. History does repeat and the Soviet invasion routes to Europe will be repeated.

This "war" is not going to end anytime soon. It is going to expand. It is not so much in watching what happens with the Poland Lithuanian Kiev Axis as Russia will expand to conflict with the Axis. It is the map above in the Romanian route. If Russia moves through a compliant Hungary for Serbia which is the objective, then this flows north. If though Russia begins pressures on Romania, this is the theater to watch.

This is a 2024 AD in the year of our Lord envelop. 

Nuff Said
