As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry is sincerely appreciative of former Governor Chris Christie for explaining the reason for the Russian Ukraine War. It has nothing to do with Russians being genocided in Ukraine which is what prompted Russia to protect her people. It has nothing to do as Russia has said that the cartel has moved to break Russia into factions to steal their resources and these factions will then be at war with each other.
No according to Chris Christie, Ukraine is a proxy American war with China.
Christie explains it all like this. This is a proxy war with China, because China is buying Russian oil and Russia is buying Iranian weapons.
Before this goes any further in the Christie explanation, he does not explain why America is not in a proxy war with India as India is buying Russian oil. Seems allot of people are buying Russian oil, even the United States buys Russian oil. I don't think Dictator Biden has declared war on America though, well just Protestant Americans being hunted down by the FBI who are White.
Meet you on the other side.
The former Republican governor of New Jersey continued, "That, in fact, what’s going on, George, is that this is a proxy war with China. The Chinese are funding the Russian war by buying Russian oil. They're coordinating with the Iranians to provide lethal weapons to the Russian army."
"And we can decide when to have this conflict. Right now the Ukrainians are willing to fight this fight for themselves if they have our support to be able to win it," Christie added. "If the Chinese watch us back away from Ukraine, as Tucker Carlson and others would advocate, believe me, the next move will be Taiwan."
The second part of Chris Christie's revelation is really revealing as it is a revelation. It is the part that says "we can decide WHEN to have this conflict". So according to Christie, we are going to have a war with China. He does not elaborate why hijacked America is going to have a war with China, but maybe it is because they are buying Russian oil as that is what he focused on first, in Chinese gold is buying Russian oil which is then used to purchase Iranian lethal weapons.
I don't know what the difference is between lethal and non lethal weapons is as I always thought the military only had lethal weapons as there is not much sense in fighting a war with foam rubber bullets or atomic bombs made of margarine.
As I said, Christie does not explain any of this, except to state that we are in proxy war with China in Ukraine, and Ukraine is not really fighting Russia, but Ukraine is fighting China and if America stops dumping weapons into Ukraine to genocide Slavs in the greatest holocaust, greater than the Jewish holocaust, then China is going to invade Taiwan.
Again, it is not quite clear why Ukraine is at war with China through Russia, according to Ukraine. I seem to recall the last time America went to war with China it was in Korea. Why South Korea is not at war, with China, I don't know. Maybe it is because the people that Christie is speaking for, think that if they fight China on the other side of Asia, then China will be easier to beat. Again though as China is not losing any resources, I don't get how this will intimidate China to not invade Taiwan.
This all makes sense to Christie though even if it does not make any sense to anyone else, except ABC.
Maybe it was Tucker Carlson unnerved Chris Christie with Ukraine questions for other GOPliter candidates, who he made squirm, like Mike Pence and Nikki Haley.
Christie now looks weaker than Donald Trump's rumored son, Tucker Carlson as Christie will not be interviewed by Carlson to ask questions, to explain himself how carrying out a holocaust against Slavs in Ukraine, by Jews, fighting Russians, is really a war against China and why is not America making war on Iran who is supplying weapons to Russia...........but America is instead under Obama sent palates of cash to the Iranians to bribe them.
Now mind you, I'm just a poor orphan girl, but would it not make more sense in Chris Christie's revelations if America had sent billions of dollars to Taiwan, instead of Ukraine, as that is what this was all about? That way the Slavs would be alive and Taiwan would be too well armed for China to invade?
I know that sounds logical and it is, but Chris Christie is rather like the Polish joke in how many fat men does it take to screw in a light bulb.
As this is Chris Christie's way of conducting foreign policy in .......well funding holocausts and wars, what is the difference between him and Adolf Hitler as he funded holocausts and wars too. Hitler though never went to war with England, by getting Italy to fight Turkey because Turkey got weapons from England.
Must be why Adolf Hitler lost as he did not have Chris Christie's brilliance in how to fight wars not against who you want to fight wars against, but against others.
I wonder if Chris Christie caught the part from Dmitry Medvedev about Russia nuking Europe and America over this war in Ukraine. Personally if I had a plan going which started a war to piss off a country with the biggest nuclear arsenal in the world in order to get at China......I would get rid of the plan as it sounds dangerous to me.
Nuff Said