As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I simply laughed when I read that House Republicans, who censored and let the FBI hound Jan6ers into political exile, have embraced The Deuce, Robert Kennedy Jr. in having him speak before Congress concerning American Rights as Democrats signed petitions to keep him from talking before Congress.
What is of interest to me, is not the ZeroHedge drama of GOPliter skirts registering as democrats to vote for The Deuce in the primaries to get rid of Joe Biden, but what The Deuce is forming in Webster Griffin Tarpley's two party system of the left which the cartel mandates will rule America in Nazis and Marxists translate that a National Socialists on the "right" and International Socialists on the left.
What Robert Kennedy is moving, are the Independents and Libertarians in the political spectrum.
The Independents and Libertarians are the groups that the Republicans live and die by. The Duece is taking them out of the GOP column. That means that Donald the deserter Trump or Stripy Trump whose theme song is the Johnny Cash Folsum Prison Blues album feature.........
I've got stripes, stripes around the shoulders
I've got chains, chains upon my feet.
I've got stripes, stripes around my shoulders
And those chains, those chains, they're bound to drag me down.
On a Monday, I was arrested.
On a Tuesday that hauled me off to jail.......
Here have a listen............
Dec 28, 2020 ... I Got Stripes" by Johnny CashListen to Johnny Cash: to the official Johnny Cash YouTube Channel: ...
See what a fun theme song for Donald Trump.
What The Deuce is being set up to lead, and as this blog has noted, he was chosen like all the Kennedy's to destroy dreams of Americans in being offered up, is that this will then create a fracture of all people will not have any faith in the political system as that is what this is designed for. Anarchy and civil war do not arise from he right, they are creatures of the left. The GOPliters will be marginalized under Donald Trump. Their will be The Deuce sheep scattered without a shepherd as Big Mama Tran has the election handed to her. The She Thing will then rule by sex deviant minority and this will in turn complete the Balkanization. Do not think the Russian are the only nation which is on the block for wars against each other.
Thee only reason Bobby Kennedy has any appeal, is because Donald Trump broke every MAGA promise and in the Fauci Flu, vaxed everyone with a prion disease. There is no hope in The Deserter so The Deuce message is designed and resonating completely. I like what I hear in the revised RFK II, except the kinder and gentler gun control. This is a Kennedy democrat and he is refreshing from all the McCain globalists we have had to suffer under with Obama Biden.
I can tell you that The Deuce is genuine like Donald Trump was in reverse speech, before Trump met with Obama. So what you are hearing from RFK II is reality. I'm not advocating for him, the Lame Cherry is alerting those who will to understand the projections so they will not be sucked in.
Do you really think that the same DIA cartel fraud of Donald Trump, that denied MAGA and framed Americans, has disappeared and is going to allow this agenda under Bobby Kennedy? Do you really think that RFK II with Chuck Schumer are going to be allowed to dismantle the cartel of the globalists?
I can name two Kennedy's named John and Robert who tried something like this and the results were historical.
We are facing a reality though, not the CNN MI6 and CIA Mockingbird, but a 1980 reality when a horrid Jimmy Carter was abandoned by the Democratic Party establishment. Dictator Biden is facing such a reality. This time it is not going to be a Reagan who is CIA sponsored in William Casey to draw off the votes from Carter, but it will be The Deuce, and the pool he is drawing into is the center right, center left, and what is deemed the extreme right.
The extreme CIA left of AOC is in revolt against Dictator Biden so this group is trending toward RFK II also.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s decision to run for the 2024 Democratic presidential nomination is supported by 31 percent of eligible voters who backed Joe Biden in the 2020 election, according to a new survey conducted exclusively for Newsweek, with just 20 percent opposed.
Now for some pollster projections. Take the 31% of Biden supporters. That would be 35% of the electorate that votes. The GOP gets about 33% and that leaves 32% of the middle column voters which split one way or the other.
That 32% is moving into Kennedy's column. In a real tally, that is GOP 33, Biden 23, Kennedy gaining 30% in the Independents and adding that 12% of Democrats for a tally of 42% in the voting. No matter the WashPo hit pieces, his margin in elections fraud would hand him primary victories.
Factor into this, Joe Biden will be blamed for losing Ukraine. There are consequences coming of Obama Super Depression II, a currency default and the reality that no one voted for Dictator Biden in 2020 AD in the year of our Lord. The stories of his supporter are straight out of Mockingbird media.
I'm out of politics, but if the one group that the IC will enlist appears in the Gens for Kennedy, this is a a major grouping.
..........and do not forget that the Don pushed the vax on people. 1/3rd were not vaxed in being vehement about that politically. Biden and the Don vaxed their followers. They have been dying by the millions. Dead voters do vote, but there are margins in this which are overcome.
Kennedy’s speech received roaring applause in the House. Regardless of his party, it was impossible not to be moved by the impassioned plea for a return to civility and for the need to uphold the First Amendment.
What does anyone need Biden or Trump for when Robert Kennedy is the only Democrat and Republican running for President.
Nuff Said