Monday, July 3, 2023

Slavic Holocaust Reaches Year 1945 as Americans are Erased


Yes are Chechen fighters. People shit themselves just looking at us.
As that is the purpose of our military.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It appears that the Chechens are what the Scots were to the English, in the people who would get the job done.

It is important to listen to what the Russians or Chechens are confirming on the battlefield, because they are telling you what you read here first.The Russian defensive lines are brilliant. They are so brilliant in an age of aircraft, drones, missiles, tanks and artillery, that the Kiev Nazis have not breached one inch of these extensive lines. It is not that George Patton and others were wrong about fixed fortifications being obsolete, it is that Russia has designed a line that NATO was not skilled enough to design. Where NATO's Maginot line has been obliterated by Russia in heavy infantry penetration, the Nazi of Kiev, have been obliterated by the Russian lines.

The picture we see is that the enemy, having reached our first line of defense, can’t advance through it. We warned them about this. They realistically do not have the forces and resources, for all that they’ve built them up, to break through our three echelons,” Alaudinov said on the ‘60 Minutes’ evening news show.

“Let them waste [their people], as they planned, to the last Ukrainian. They only make things worse for themselves. The realistic result, I’ve always said, will be the same. We will definitely win this battle,”

The Russian lines are 3 separate lines, the first is infantry in fingers of trenches. These lines though flex, they are mobile, they maneuver.  The Lame Cherry would call this  the Anaconda Line, because it is defensive, but upon contact, it immediately coils and recoils into an offensive line.

It is magnificent for slaughtering Slavs in the field.

 Think of the head of this snake in mine fields and tank traps. This makes the Nazi pause as it is engaged. Once that takes place, the infantry begins a process of coiling around the Kiev attacking groups.  This is a beautiful thing as it all works in  concert. Picture in your mind, that you are riding along in an armoured personnel carrier, and you hit a mine field, so you stop, and your infantry are out protecting the tanks coming up as all is working together.
Then your mechanized unit, starts taking allot of rifle fire. Pretty soon rocket propelled grenades start exploding. You think you have cover around your tank, but you start taking fire from both sides in these trenches to your left and right. You begin to think, "What the shit is this?", as fire starts coming from behind  you.........just as the tanks start blowing up from helicopter gunships, and  missiles coming artillery starts to rain all over you.

Every place you turn, it is a reality that incoming shells are coming from that direction. That is the Anaconda coil, as this defense works in concert, hit one Russian artillery position and two more start pouring fire in on you. You think you are making some headway, and a tank erupts from cover a few yards away, blowing your tank into a fireball. This Russian line is all about fields of fire and artillery zeroed in. There is so much Russian artillery that it fires and goes silent as another crew pours in more death.

This blog told you this is all about those Ashkenazim. Ukraine was once the seat of their empire. They are a race of people, and they want all the Slavs dead, as Hitler wanted the Ashkenazim dead who were communists. Hitler got blamed for the dirty work. Zellinskyy is blaming Russia for his NATO genocide of Slavs.

The Russians have really innovated some amazing weapon systems which Kiev is running into. One of the most notable in this trench warfare and is God awful comical is the Farming System. Russia developed a mobile mine field laying machine. This is fantastic as mine fields are usually fixed. Not the Russian mine fields. The Russians acturally are responding to Kiev mass attacks, by laying mine fields in front of the columns, about as fast as it takes you to read this. These mines are nothing new, but they are powerful enough to knock the hell out of German tanks as they explode from below.

"Controlled by Russia's bomb squad, rather than artillery, the 'Zemledelie' system is clearly a threat to Ukraine's counteroffensive. For example, it may have played a role in the infamous armored attack by the 47th Ukrainian Mechanized Brigade that took place in early June near Malaya Tokmachka. The battle resulted in the Ukrainians abandoning several Leopard 2 tanks and 16 Bradley combat vehicles,

..........and if you look at the photo above, those are new tires from China. The Russians are not hurting in anything. This is all new equipment and it is pouring off the Russian production lines.

As I have stated, I could defeat these Russian lines.The Russians know the counter measures. NATO knows, but this is about genocide of Slavs, and for Russia, it is the elimination of a generation of military males who are hostile toward Moscow that Russia can not have on it's border as terrorists. So Russia grinds this to pulp and that is what these lines are designed to do, eat Kiev Nazis.

In the economics of war, Russia is not spending life nor expensive weapons. They are in fact budgeting their firepower, whereas America is bankrupted itself on it's expensive tech weapons.

What comes next is  the Lame Cherry shit hitting the fan, and these are absolute numbers, so the data cannot be wrong.

The CIA Washington Post has stated that Ukraine has 120,000 casualties in 16 months of combat. That is a horrific number, and 13,000 were wounded or killed in this past month.

Meet you on the other side for the conclusions.

Mar 13, 2023 ... U.S. and European officials have estimated that as many as 120,000 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed or wounded since the start of ...

Apr 1, 2023 ... Russia had 830,900 active soldiers, with Ukraine at 200,000, according to this data. Both countries had reserve forces of 250,000 people.

So 120.000 dead by March in 14 months of fighting, at 16 months the number is 143,000.

Ukraine  has had 1/3rd of it's population flee as refugees. It is unrealistic to assume that Ukraine has 250,000 troops in reserve. As of April 1, Kiev had 200,000 troops. Factoring in kill and wounded ratios, refugees, and people who simply will not fight, the Ukrainian military will cease to exist as a fighting force, sometime in October of 2023 AD in the year of the Lord. It will still have hundreds of thousands of troops, but it's effectiveness will cease when the next 100,000 Slavs are killed or wounded.

Ukraine at the moment is talking up a bridge they occupy at Kherson. The bridge is a transport bridge for Russia. It is not in a defendable position for Russia. Ukraine has expended and is expending life for this bridge which is a target range now for Russia. The fact is that Ukraine dies in the attack, while hiding or in retreat.

There will be a projected and planned NATO shift because this genocide 1/3rd complete and will reach half in the coming months.

The Kiev Nazi will either have to have Polish troops, or create a faux peace, as there is not enough technology from America to stop a Russian advance, without Kiev troops.

The numbers do not lie. The use of Ukraine as human fodder is about over.

Nuff Said
