Meinertzhagen himself traced the "evil" side of his personality to a period during his childhood when he was subjected to severe physical abuse at the hands of a sadistic schoolmaster when he was at Fonthill boarding school in Sussex:
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
This history of pedophilia or the organized rape of children in Britain, America, Canada, Australasian and Colonial Africa can be traced back to it's roots in a simple statement by Colonel Richard Meinertzhagen, yes he sounds German, but was of those Hanoverian Germans who peopled the British throne and commerce, as of yet today.
Meinertzhagen writing from British East Africa as a subject of the Imperial army, observed one damning fact, besides that British officers were thee most incompetent poltroons on the planet, stated this:
"Meinertzhagen disliked his fellows, commenting that his company commanders were either in debt, sodomites or alcoholics, and in some cases all three."
Now how was Meinerthagen, a member of the caste or elites aware of all of this? It was due to being sent away to English schooling, where a duo of Mr. Chips, were engaged in raping all the young boys at school. The trauma of this affected this Anglo for his entire life, in being always ready to kill offenders who paid the slightest disregard for humans more frail than they.
He once rescued an English speaking child at an Egyptian brothel. He once pointed a Webley at an officer who was berating him and would have killed him if the officer had not desisted, and he once beat to death an Indian who mistreated his horse.
Rape little boy's asses and you sometimes turn them into alcoholics, sometimes into debtors looking to validate themselves with goods, sometimes turn into serial murderers, sometimes turn into criminals who in prison execute pedophiles put into prison, and sometimes turn into faggots, or sometimes turn into a rather accomplished killing mechanism for God and King, that a woke society later would rather cover up this glaring example than explain what creates a man like this.
One only has to behold Englishmen as the majority. The prime stock was butchered by English officers slaughtering them in World War I. In World War II these officers practiced this on Canadians and ANZACS with great extermination, which left the shorter and effeminate version to breed or intermingle with their own Monty Python kind.
The British have always had a problem with raising a normal child without Puritan beliefs in Protestantism, because the English, Welsh, Scot and Irish mothers were more prone to be like cows that would dump their children to the wolves than raise them. There is nothing more cold than British woman's heart. Meinerthagen's mum was a cold bitch,who detested him, loved his older brother for her own reasons, and one Christmas forgot to send any presents to young Richard away at rape school.
It is no wonder the English created a race of psychotics, as their mothers sent their children away to be abandoned at schools, were the Mr. Chips were busy prevailing upon the nature of no emotion, and beatings with rods or raping with adult rod penises, and often all three, and yet no English father or mother ever rose to protect their children, but instead relished the thought of these rape institutions, much like the good Irish Catholic priests after getting an ass rape from the pater, set out for Americans shores to rape children galore in that promised land.
Institutionalized rape is nothing new. One can find in Stalin's era, numerous Black Russians, these would be the Black Caucasians, of Ottoman decent, where the Muslims were keen to rape all children, especially young boys, who mastered the pedophile neurosis and psychosis a thousand years after the Ottomans were back in Turkey.
Yes, from the small institutionalized rape of England, appeared a caste of pedophiles or self destructive males in military and public service, sent out into the empire where the sun never set. As that sun did set though, these pedophiles found willing cohorts in the United States, where once again the rape of children beheld a new form, in a forming police state, would institutionalize this procurement of children after World War II, in much the same way rape rings would expand to fill the horizon in liberated Europe.
There were so many child rape groups operating in Europe and America, that a caste order appeared, where the dominant pedophiles of the police state backing, began eliminating those who were operating on their own currency.
Ukraine became a repository of children for the international market from Tel Aviv to Berlin to wherever in America or Musimania children disappeared and rarely were heard from again. This was one of Vladimir Putin of Russia's great sins, in he with the Russian leadership refused to turn their children over to IP, International Pedophilia as it swept Protestantism away in America for John Robert's Obamanism of legalized child rape.
The institutionalization of this all began in the few in command of hundreds of children, raping them, and turning them into homosexuals and rapists, all in the rat trap of the Spartan rape warping of young children by sex.
This is how pedophilia came to dominate in England, America, the Isles, Canada, Australasia, and where in America it took on an exacting police state science, complete with Tel Aviv child rape rings for blackmail of industrialists, financiers and politicians, having made a Prince Andrew offer they did not refuse.
This is the history. This is the present of what you are more aware of. This is the reality of what the Lae Cherry has been warning was being legalized for the past decades and now is coming to the point that a Bunghole John Roberts in the Supreme Court will write this into another Obama law of legalized sex perversion.
This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
From the same page, 60, we close with Colonel Richard Meinertzhagen's ditty of how a penis raping a child's anus at school, produces an officer and a gentlemen like him.
They say I'm a quarrelsome fellow,
God rot it, how can that be?
For I never quarrel with any,
The whole world quarrels with me.
Interesting childhood and manhood epitaph, from the man who helped found the modern Jewish state called Israel.
Nuff Said