Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Wag the Atom


Ukraine’s Failed Counter Offensive Paints NATO Into A Corner   gateway 

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This war of genocide against Slavs in Ukraine and Russians in Russia has had a constant throwing gas on nuclear flames from Kiev. They assassinated Russias, they tried to assassinate Putin, they attacked Crimea, they got long range weapons, they blew up a damn flooding south Ukraine and have repeatedly attempted to cause a melt down of a nuclear power plant on their own soil, just to drag NATO, cheifly the United States into a direct war with Moscow.

The headines state it all. Kiev is again fanning nuclear war, and more to the point British MI6 have been as they always have been, pushing for nuclear pollution in order to gain direct American action in this war.

Russians could blow up nuclear plant to halt Ukraine's forces, Zelenskyy warns - POLITICO   politico 

RIGGED - Members Of The Brit MSM Have Already
Written Articles Blaming Russia For A Dirty Bomb
Attack In Ukraine - Which Hasn’t Happened

It is the same caste of characters, Poland, Ukraine, the Baltics, all working to begin a war between Russia and America, so Americans do the hard fighting gain, while all of these other worthless nations will live an reap the reward of nuclear war.

You should be aware of this as that is what the headlines read.

Nuff Said
