As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry is known or cutting to the quick, through the bullshit and focusing on what matters.
The appearance by FBI Director Christopher Wray was an outstanding success in his bosses at the cartel want Americans to not trusts the system of government and Wray is the pinnacle of being the fuck around husband whose wife is questioning him about lipstick on his color, stinky panties in this pocket and a VD warning from the doctor and all he tells his wife is, "I don't see what any of this has to do with me being a good husband".
I look at pictures. I look at people. Director Wray looks fat, puffy, and not too healthy. I look at his entourage and for the most part he has nothing but very unhappy people working for him or we Americans who are the employers of these people have allot of unhappy people working for us.
You can look at the faces and study them. No one is happy in these photos. I don't know what the farmer in the farm hat is doing there, but he must have got lost in looking for Ag committee hearings on animal sex.
From David John Oates we know that Wray controls Attorney General Merrick Garland, so Wray runs all of Justice in this anarchy. In the testimony though we got to see that the cartel told Wray to go public and look like a complete double talking A hole with a hung hole halo. I would not want to be this guy in having history replay his endless testimony of being dishonest.
It gets really bad when CNN is doing prop up work and thinks that Wray scored points in Florida has numbers of people wanting an FBI job. Wray knows those numbers, but he does not know how many operatives he had framing people on Jan6?
He really looked as bad as he looked in that puffy vax old man look.
Fortunately something was good in this, as in the entourage was a hot chic and a kind of hot chic that looked like the sister of the hot chic.
Here take a look.
Now speaking as a lezbo in this, I can't tell if this hot chic is Muslim, Hindu or Pakistani or Indian or something out of the Mideast.
She is a real patriot though with US flag, deep red pouty lips, a snooty look, clothes too big for her as she is so petite, plucked eyebrows and make up to the tee. I guess it is a good thing to be the hot woman working at the FBI now that that Strozk mistress is gone, but even she looks really unhappy in having to be around such lackluster people.
Her sister does not seem impressed either.
There were Black people in the room, but they were hard to notice as they are really black and they were made to sit in the back. Apparently Wray runs a White Priv department at FBI and they only have one token hot chic as eye candy who really has all the creds to be there, but if you look at the White men in this, they are all not wanting to be there and most of them are hoping that Wray gets impeached so they can be director under the hot chic.
Can't we just in this end of the system, have attractive people placed before us? Why must the torture be amplified in just one attractive antagonist instead of numbers of them. Wasn't it James Comey who had like piles of "show me the beaver" upskirts when he testified? Why is it that now that all has come to the end, must we have unhappy White Priv on display?
Did not Lloyd Austin and Merrick Garland declare that White People are the enemy of all, so why is this pasty white Christopher Wray only hiring White People and putting them on display?
I just hope that the FBI has not degraded to the point of the attractive chic has drones looking down her blouse with the Director monitoring that all day, and the Black chic next to her is washing out the Director's underwear and that blonde gal is the one who taste tests the food for the Director in placing her life on the line, as that seems all so elitist in this woke age. But then again the real blacker than grocery bag Agents are in the back row and not allowed to be up front with the White Priv.
No one in Congress has noted any of this, nor did anyone ask the attractive woman to stand up, introduce herself, perhaps do some model poses, draw her weapon, show how she could make some people there assume the position and other necessary information which is the important part in this, as we know what the Director is going to pull as he sends his people up there all the time with the same waste of time.
No one a the FBI seems to get out in the sun much, except the Black People. Maybe they get sent out to mow the Directors lawn and do other Black things. So I think all these Special Agents should get a hotel rented for them in Maui, where they can get away from it all for a few months paid vacation, get a tan and find something to make them enjoy life as working for the FBI sure does not make them happy.
I think we owe it to the FBI and we owe it to the one attractive gender in the picture, as she might be mistaken for being white, which would hurt her career........unless she was an Indian in India, then the Whites there like being White as a status symbol and the Wogs are just a caste that lives down river.
So in wrapping this up, Director Wray accomplished all his masters ordered him too, so we need to focus on what is important in this, in what makes lesbians happy and what makes gay men happy, and I can not imagine any homosexuals getting aroused over how unhappy these people are. Gay means happy or they would be called Gloomy otherwise.
I think we need an AOC threshold in this, before she got looking like she is an old Latin mama. If someone is not at least as attractive as AOC they can not be on television or hired in the main office. Hunter Biden only marries attractive women and has sexy with ugly hookers, so can we not have that same standard. Director Wray can send out the ugly agents on dangerous missions, the minorities can do their stereotypical jobs and the attractive people can appear before Congress or like the Courts as I'm sure Judges only want attractie people in their trials too.
Let us all agree on that, that we focus on the Wray of Light in the Jewel of the FBI in this attractive woman. She is the standard we must adhere too and not let Homeland get away with hiring all the pretty people, homosexuals or not.
I have to go now as mosquitoes are biting me.
Once again, we all agree, only attractive people should be hired.
Nuff Said