As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I have been aware of this information since May 16th and it is based on reversals from David John Oates, centering on Robert F.Kennedy II.
There were two reversals of context. One was RFK speaking of death in the South, which DJO concluded that this was a premonition by RFK of a future event. It is possible that for a Yankee from the Northeast that Texas November 1962 AD in the year of our Lord, as the South.
This is of interest as in the reversals, RFK, mentioned who his go to guy is. I have speculated that RFK did not embark on this before conferring with Obama Inc. in running for president. RFK's contact though mentioned is Senator Chuck Schumer, who is the most conservative member of Congress. More conservative than McConnell, Thune, McCarthy and Green combined.
I have expressed my admiration for Chuck Schumer. He reminds me of the guy who beats the hell out of Bruce Willis in the Last Boy Scout.
See Kim Coates looks like bad ass Chuck Schumer.
So this means that RFK II is the person who the Obama state with the Ashkejew state has chosen to replace Dictator Biden in this coup. That is why RFK stated he would run if he had the financial backing. The coffers have been opened just as they were for money laundering Obama.
Jeff Rense is on a tear over RFK for being a fraud. In a world of frauds, manipulators and influencers, RFK is saying a Jan6 illusion of returning America to America, and seeking to defeat the forces behind this. He is the Qanon man not behind any screens. In reversals, RFK is not lying nor profane. He speaks and is speaking the facts yet of what he knows.
There is a confederation of characters who are seeking to perform a coup upon the Dictator. This is Obama Inc. and their globalists and their representative in the Ashekejew is Senator Chuck Schumer. It would project that the very conspirators of 1963 AD in the year of our Lord and 1968 AD in the year of our Lord, have chosen RFK II for their operation, and RFK II is focusing on the scapegoat of the CIA in all of this, the same intelligence center that seems to audition for such poster boy status.
These are the projections on the public information, in a glimpse behind the shadow curtain. RFK has a number of assets surrounding him, just as Trump does and just as Biden does.
This is your insight to what has been taking place. It will make things a bit more clear in what is being generated.
Nuff Said