Sunday, July 30, 2023

Thee Electric Ju


So we sold Star Wars, and alerted America's enemies that DARPA
super weapons are going to obliterate them....

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Whether you are ignorant or not, Tel Aviv just released classified information on an American Above Black system created by DARPA, through Lockheed Martin. The system is using a laser system, instead of Patriot missiles which are now worthless against Russian technology.

The Lame Cherry reminds all of you that Ukraine was a testing ground to entice Russians and Chinese to believe every American system is obsolete and that their hypersonic missiles are invincible. This is to entice and bait the Eurasians into war.

What took place was a defense contract for Lockheed and Ashekejew Rafael to market for billions of dollars a salable laser system to protect against Eurasian missiles and drones. The system called Iron Beam means that DARPA has operational laser, pulse and particle beam weapons, which the projection concludes have already been tested and are successful against Russian systems in Ukraine.

The reason the United States is not developing the dinosaur hypersonics and claiming no defense against them, is due to the DARPA reality that Star Wars has directed energy systems  which make missiles obsolete.


Two of the biggest American and Israeli defense contractors, Lockheed Martin and Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, announced a new joint effort on Monday to develop a version of the “Iron Beam” laser-based air defense system for the non-Israeli market.

Understand that a Russian Daggar missile moves at Mach 12 and can not be shot down by another missile system. DARPA has a system that moves at Warp 1, or at the speed of light which makes Mach 12 look standing still. This is what Russia, China, Iran and North Korea will face with their conventional systems and their nuclear systems which rely on dinosaur conventional rockets to deliver them.

Thee only fail safe Moscow has is repositioning nuclear weapons as these DARPA systems will have the fire control capability to stop launches in the theater of launch.

This is what the Lame Cherry has been warning you of is out there in this slight of hand which has been taking place to sucker the Eurasians to come out and fight against weak America and the West.

The Pentagon has also been pushing ahead with directed-energy systems in recent years, including short-range air defense (SHORAD) systems capable of defending against drones.

The projection still is that these systems will face attrition and atrophy, making a weapons of mass destruction war, degrade to the wars of antiquity in who ever shows up with the most mobile mob in numbers will trample the other mob to death. In numbers, Russia, China and Islam have the numbers to burn out Western systems and the West does not have the people on foot to trample the Eurasians, so the Eurasians will win..............unless Christ slaughters them all at Armegeddon.

The Ashkejew are making profit off of DARPA America. That means DARPA has working models already in operation over this entire coming world war.

This is once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
