Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Tyrant's Pen


As another Lame  Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is something which requires stating in an ignorant world. In a free society, there is not one entity which has the authority to tell you that you can not buy or consume gas, coal or oil.

That extends to things like in Canada in banning the sale of wood stoves or burning wood.

A Constitution, mandates limits on those who are entrusted with limited power.

Biden Admin Rolls Out New Restrictions on Oil, Coal, Natural Gas

When Ronald Reagan blackmailed states to force them to implement everyone to wear seat belts, that was a criminal offense of coercion.  Can the Federal government in an agency with hold funds from a state? The answer is no, as the states are where all taxable funds originate. The Federal government is a limited entity of taxation and security.

Here is a short list of how few departments were in Federal government.

State July 27, 1789

Treasury September 2, 1789

Defense  July 1, 1870

Interior            March 3, 1849

Agriculture May 15, 1862

It is easier to state what has no provision in the Constitution. FBI, CIA, DEA, NEA, Federal Reserve etc...

About the only entity which is provided for is the IRS by the US Treasury as that is the venue of taxation.

The President of the United States has no authority to confiscate lands for wilderness areas, no authority to set standards or uses of anything. He does not have the authority to tell you what you can buy or sell.

There is no provision in the Constitution for stopping you from being forced to buy prescription drugs as those drugs should all be over the counter and it is your liberty if you misuse them. There shall be no infringement on ownership of any weapons.

Ask yourself is it more dangerous to ride a horse or drive a car? There never was a license to ride a horse as that is not in the Constitution. Neither is being forced to have a driver's license.

The tragedy in this is, is that the Court has not undertaken to protect the Constitution from the Legislative delegating authority to departments and agencies, and the Executive producing findings, orders and directives which infringed upon the 10th Amendment Rights of Citizens.

Your Rights end where another person's Rights begin. Their Rights begin where your Rights end. There is not some magic pen that erases Rights. There is only age old tyranny by those who can not control themselves in their lust for power.

Nuff Said
