Tuesday, July 11, 2023

deus velox nes


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Remember when I told you that the overthrow of America came out of London MI6 and I was right?

The British  in the Great Game had two opponents. The first they dispatched in the French at Waterloo. The second was Russia who they set a bulwark up in Afghanistan to thwart their march south to a warm sea port.

We are in the same time warp which has been reset out of London.

My good friend Alex “All Roads Lead to London” Krainer published a thoughtful piece on France and, predictably, he came to the tentative conclusion that the current explosion of violence in France bears all the hallmarks of a British-led color revolution.

London started 3 world wars. They have already started the fourth.

What he really wants is what I’ve been saying Davos has wanted from the beginning of the Biden administration: a half-crazed US/UK going to total war against Russia in Ukraine to weaken both sides while he positions France and Germany to be the new defense contractors for Europe.

I told you everyone is positioning themselves in this Armageddon game to rule from the ashes.

God be quick

God's swift death.

Nuff Said
