As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Apparently the remote viewers are having a hard time of making a living, so Dick Algire was dispatched to Rense to tantalize the public few who would look to be 25 or 45 dollar clients. Apparently if you put barriers up on sites, unlike this one which trusts people's good nature to donate large sums as those people have it, then you force people to pay you money, because people can not be trusted.
That is the reality of the tease of the remote viewers for the BRICS Coin.
I'm going to explain a few things though as this blog has recorded that it could change and alter time lines, so the FBI sent Homeland to visit this little girl in the Brier to mock her.
As you can see from the above, it must be a military type stance that these men will to portray, arms crossed, all trying to not look like a comic book character which they do, instead of portraying an intelligence in a suit. Perhaps they should have remote viewed that.
In the below is one of Allgires sessions. He is getting crossed signals though as he sees cars and then he is not seeing cars. The crossed signals are imporant in this as he says this may be Chicago or New York. when the Dollar has a competitor in BRICS Coin.
To me the basic assessment is uncertainty and control of resources. Buildings will not have their lawns mowed as work will be a problem in what works and what will not function. Don't concern yourselves with tomorrow though as what follows is what is important to understand.
Meet you on the other side.
OK I'm going to use the example of a pretty girl, actually she was one of the most beautiful women in the world a few years ago.
People pay attention to pretty.
Each one of you is unique. You have your own prejudices, biases, experiences and perspectives. I will use an extreme example of a rapist looking at this woman would want to abuse and control her and harm her, Sir Lancelot would look at this woman as someone he would risk his life for to protect.
That is called START POINT. Everyone has a start point. Some women will look at this girl and be jealous and hate her, others will look at her fashion and see how to be like her.
So now we begin this in viewing this girl from everywhere around the world. The thin red lines are people looking at her from their perspectives. Some might even look at the swimming pool and the trees as that is what would interest them more. Some will focus on her legs, genitals, smile, the person inside, her intellect, or where she really lives. Those START POINTS create a mind will channel which each person in the matrix of thought generates to their own FOCUS POINT on this woman.
Some would record the bikini. Some the warm place she is posing. Some how pretty she is. Some she is from South America. Those are the thin red lines of what that person is focused on.
The thicker blue lines are people like Allgire who wear channels due to their ability in the matrix, so other people are pulled into that channel of thought too. Allgire might focus on what she is seeing to learn the situation, so others will be pulled to his bias and they will start reporting on what this woman is experiencing.
It is allot like viewing lottery numbers. Some people can get a few of them. I can not, as my matrix view is unique in the paradigm is shifting not from my perspective. Yes the numbers would have come up from my start point, but the FOCAL POINT or end result has not manifested as other factors were involved.
Sometimes you are another factor. Get enough people whining about their money and BRICS situations take on other dimensions. You want to keep your money, so that surges, and next thing you know a war wave appears and billions are dead for your portfolio and you don't like that either as you can't get at your money as the electricity is all off from the war. Cause and Effect, and multiplication of wills produce waves in the matrix.
The viewers are really worthless as they focus on unique events. So Madonna gets sick and now has a horrid Great Thunberg face. No one cares about that but Madonna and the 3 people who wanted to see a fossil perform on stage. That kind of viewing is what is published and it does not do anything, as a ship sinks with people on board, does not warn the 50 people who drown, so events do not alter and it makes no difference to the other 8 billion people.
Allgire in BRICS records the psychic scream. He doe not record the joy of the cartel in bringing the world system to collapse for their order. He does not view millions of people who will celebrate all the rich people being poor and about to die, as they have zero skills to know how to survive. What Allgire sees is a bias. He is expecting upheaval, so that is what his bias brings his mind to see.
This does not make what Allgire sees as right or wrong. It makes it a projection of the possibilities of disorder when a new order is supplanting the system as people do panic. Me, I'm going to go have a beer, contemplate things and be relieved that the page has turned as while this will bring new challenges, it is going to bring a host of solutions for me too, as I have educated readers here.
If you want to know manipulation, the above title could have read Remote Viewing Analyzed and that would not make you click. Money though, which you have, makes you scared in thinking you are going to lose your Dollars to BRICS. That triggers you. You get manipulated in live all the time from ads to regimes to your cell phone waves. Same things happen in the matrix in how you view the world and even powerful impressions like Allgire are susceptible to the same influences.
In RV, you always have to have an anchor point. That is the event which one is drawn to. That anchor point is filled with human bias, demonic deception and God driven Will. Add a human viewer looking at things from their perspective and what manifests is that paradigm of the situation.
I have mentioned that I dislike looking at events that everyone knows about or viewers have cluttered up as I can feel the channels wore in and all of those incorrect conclusions. It takes a few minutes to wear in my own channel so I can explore correctly, at least from my perspective. It is much easier to view situations which are future tense or others have not cared about to clutter up.
Personally as a Protestant Christian, I have God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Ghost as Controls. The situations then are Biblical or random choice which will be pulled along to the main Control Channel of Prophecy. All things things work for my benefit, so I have an overriding pre destination which benefits me in all situations.
I can assure you that the Holy Ghost did speak to me in providing the verse in Ezekiel about commanding the Angels to slay all men, women and children who do not have the Mark the Holy Angels sealed the Elect with.
Does that mean that Jerusalem is about to be cleansed. Might be, or it may be that God is telling me that He is going to start culling the refuse out of my life who have been causing me harm. It could be both. I have not inquired. I would be pleased in Christ returning and I would be overjoyed in God eliminating the problems caused by the pieces of satan in this world. For my focal point, that would be of not much benefit to non donors. For my children, it would be of benefit in God clearing up events for more peaceful lives.
As PB mentioned the other day, it is disquieting to know in all of our preparations that they are not going to be enough. Rain falls not upon the plain but floods main and rats and mice are not nice in chewing up the rice. I learn though, as God provided me used Coleman coolers more cheap than plastic totes. God sees my situations and provides solutions.
My interest is FOCAL POINT and END POINT. End Point is Christ. That is already declared so it is an absolute My Focal Points though have jackasses making my landing on the beach rougher than I thought. God says He is going to deal with them, so I have prepared all I can with my finances for the events that unfold and I know God will deliver through all of this, if not from it. So the events in the upsets do not matter all that much as God has the effect for my cause.
This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said.