If you make God a joke, hell is the punchline.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Although the Jew Bob Saget was not included in this list, so it was 27 dead comedians worlwide, and I don't know why that is, as it would seem anti semitic or something, from a scientific observation, that is a high number, so the question is, "Does the prion hate laughter?"
Comedians are not happy people. They are some of thee most repressed and depressed people on the planet. Allot of psychological problems really on the blue dark side. So in that maybe it is not the prion that hates laughter, but the stress of toxicity, which is acidic, might be a clue in these dead comedians in number. Maybe the prion loves acidity in the vax and cancer along with other conditions thrives in that negative bath.
Now this is interesting, because we have witnessed that this vax super charges the environment for Vancer and Vaids. What if something in this is more certain in if you are a person who is acidic in base, maybe this bioweapon thrives in that toxic soup. It would be a bad thing for liberals as they are some of thee most sour people on the planet.
Dead comedians can not be wrong as a group. The prion is thriving in that blood group of acidity it would appear, so that would indicate that attitude is important in this outlook. People who are happy are going to stand a better chance of repressing this prion and the COVID than those who are unhappy, as the prion thrives in that acidity.
This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.