“It’s a lot easier and a lot cheaper [to talk] than to use weapons,”
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry is to educate you on facts. The Cold War was brought about by the cartel to loot the United States of World War II profits. This was only accomplished by Frank Roosevelt building the Soviet Union into a power where it's belligerence was without check. The Soviet Union was further assisted by Ashkejew traitors in America who handed over nuclear bomb design to the Kremlin, making the entire looting of America possible for a generation.
Joseph Stalin of Russia was the reason for the Cold War. Frank Roosevelt and Harry Truman naivete were responsible for bringing Stalin out of the murderous shadows onto the world stage.
It is polar opposite in the proxy war which London MI6 hiding behind the United States and NATO which is being waged against Russia now. The same factors of looting Russia, which is what World War I was initiated for in the east in the communist overthrow of the Czar are the same purpose in the 21st century in Ukraine.
The Lame Cherry will make the point that there is not one American who wants nor supports war with Russia, no more than any Americans supported war against Germany and Japan in World War II. This is the patrician class of globalist who are at war with Russia, not Americans.
This must be understood when comments by Suzanne Massie, are stated. Ms. Massie was one of the pillars who ended the Cold War. While she is right in America needs Russia and Russia needs America, her last quote in "the two countries need to find a way back to discussing something else besides war", must be challenged, for it is not thee American People who are set on war with Russia nor are chattering about war with Russia. It is not the Russian people who are voicing support for war with America. It is not the Kremlin calling for war with America.
The Kremlin is stating that if NATO advances their agenda to make Russia vulnerable, that Russia will indeed to save herself, attack NATO. The only faction which is promoting this war footing with Russia, are these woke Rainbow Warriors, and you will find it is only the sodomite lobby of Sean Hannity types on the right and the propped up Obama globalists in Biden fondling on the left who are pushing for the brink of war.
None of these usurpers of the Birther Globalists want war with Russia in proper. They want Russia defeated, put on a leash, so they can rule from their bunker state. The fuel for this defeat is the holocaust blood of the Slavics of Ukraine.
Meet you on the other side.
“I believe that we [the US] need Russia, and Russia needs us,” Massie argued.
The two countries “should go and find a way to get back to discussing something else besides war,”
The Lame Cherry desires as she did in supporting Donald Trump in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord for a Reagan Peace with Russia. The world would blossom under a true American leadership which Russia could trust and a Russian leadership in place which America would verify it would trust. I desire a Protestant Christian peace with Russia, just as Abraham Lincoln and the Czar had a cooperative peace which liberated the world.
America needs Americans in leadership. That is not going to happen though.That needs to be understood. The world as it End Times moves is a place where it would require the same defeat of London, Berlin, Paris, Rome and DC, which they would inflict upon Russia, to take Putin's head, for this political structure ever to be righted to a place where a Reagan Peace would prevail with Russia.
Ms. Massie is correct in peace is less expensive than war, but war is where the rapine of nation rapist profits prevail of the feudal few who rule. The polls are corrupt in America. America is a police state. All of this is designed to Balkanize the United States. This is what the cartel promised Moscow and why Moscow is patient, but eventually Moscow will realize that they are being played for extermination too. Then Russia will strike the West, and that is what the cartel has maneuvered all of this to be.
Ronald Reagan and his administration bestowed the most wonderful legacy of peace on the world. It was the cartel front fam of Bush who unraveled the process to where it is now by design to bring about war.
There is not anyone in the United States in power who is capable of fulfilling peace as their genocidist owners will not allow that. I would that Ms. Massie would focus on that reality and stop producing ignorant quotes of this being about two nations only speaking of war. This is the smarmy hijackers of the west promoting a war for their minority to rule from and Russia recognizing this reality and warning that nuclear war will come when Russia has no more options.
The West needs the remnant of the few Suzanne Massie's who are still alive to define this in the reality that America has been hijacked by a cartel of committee, and they are hunting down Americans who oppose this criminal mafia as they expose the United States to an expendable attack by Russia in provoking Moscow. People of substance need to speak out and it needs more than the best blog in the world to post things as this, as the FOX viewer will not focus on anything unless a Tucker Carlson stooge tells them to think about it.
America needs substance as the hour is already struck, as one poor orphan girl can not do it all.
Nuff Said