Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Biden having defeated Russia ---- It is now time to make war with China

With the Blinken victory over us, defeated Chinamen, we announce the 
terms of the victory in, China now has Taiwan as a slave labor force, China
has a new province of Hawaii known as Obamaland, and we now administer
Alaska with all it's oil to be sold to Americans for 5000 dollars a barrel.
Defeat is sweet by the Rainbow Warriors.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

After Rainbow Warrior Anthony Blinken of DC, announced a glorious Nazi victory in Ukraine against Russia, he announced it is now time to go to war with China.

Blinken has been a little creative with his victory lap over Russia, in the territory which Russia has annexed and is still advancing in, is not exactly Kiev retaking 50% of their territory, but Russia gaining 75% more territory in Ukraine.

Facts and details really do not matter as the Mockingbird media have now stated that Kiev has taken back territory, so that Dictator Joe Biden can order Kiev to make peace terms with Moscow.

But not before Blitzblunder II appears.

Lying Blinken Says Ukraine Has Already
Retaken 50% Of Russian-Occupied Territory
...The Lies Are Non-Stop And Obvious

Blinken though is flush with victory as he has implemented the strategy of that great military mind of Ottawa Canada, Black Face Trudeau who uttered the Trudeau Maxim of, "If you defeat your enemies they win".

That must be the FBI's operational outlook in hunting down Jan6ers in the Jan6ers are now winning overwhelmingly as political prisoners in jail without trial. The DC Piper is not being arrested as that would have him be the winner, so the FBI astutely is not arresting this government agent.

Reports are now surfacing that Blitzblunder II will involve an air attack by helicopter commandos, setting up landing zones in the Russian lines. It is not just Kiev Nazi who are going to lock and load in this. There will be English special forces, Polish special forces and American special forces, landing in the same lines.

Russia has said this will be direct war with NATO and of course a nuclear war, but Anthony Blinken has declared victory so the nuclear glow must be some twilight last gleaming of victory. We though can not get caught up in details as Ukraine has been won, and it is time to move on to another successful war, this time with China.

Blinken is though on a time limit with war with China, as China is about to make terms with US allies of South Korea, Japan and the Philippines, making this an Occidental war with China in Oz, UK and DC. Russia is on the cusp of forcing individual terms on Germany and France with Hungary in the mix. This is close as more Blinken victories will shatter NATO which is what the cartel desires.........a Europe without Americans.

Blitzblunder II will be another Blinken victory. All the Slavs in choppers will be dead, with perhaps a few token Yanks, Bulls and Polacks for parading through the streets as terrorists against Moscow. We though have to get this mopped up, as having defeated Russia in Woke Rainbow Warriorism, we now will fight China with the same results.

The Lame Cherry believes that a Blinken victory over China will include Taiwan occupied by Peking, Hawaii a Chinese province and China in control of the Alaskan oil fields.

If this all starts as Ukraine, it would appear that China is supposed to do something stupid in taking some Pacific Islands where supply will be vulnerable as this is what the Marines are preparing for. Why China would be this stupid is what J Street promises are whispered. Considering that Ukraine was a London operation by the toxic Baltic states and Kiev Nazis, which was American run, and NATO trained to an epic defeat or a Blinken victory, the same victories await for the United States in the Mideast and the Pacific.

Make no mistake about this. America is going to be hurled back and uninvited in all corners of the world. Once the global mafia comes to terms that they can keep their fiefdoms under Russia and China, America is expendable. This is not about BRICS or oil. What is the key to this is the same mafia which loots Americans, has it's mafia in the East as much as Europe, and when they have assurances they can keep their police state gulags, then America does not have any more use as fictional Dollar Fed printing as wealth, will be exchanged for the Eurasian lucre of real assets which will appreciate, not from inflation.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
