Monday, August 7, 2023

Billionaire Pansy Fight


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was looking at the "rules" for the cage match between Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg and the fight rules seem what one would expect.

No hitting, biting, kicking, scratching, punching or touching.

Here are the contenders.

This is Elon Musk.

This is Mark Zuckerberg, he is the one who looks most pleased to be posing with naked males.

Apparently Zuckerberg won two medal at a kids school, choking out people he got on the floor in Brazilian Jujitsu. This is basically kicking someones legs out, getting on their back and choking them out.

Here is killer Zuckerberg apparently believing he is choking out a guy.

I don't know why Zuckerberg is such a racist in not studying kung fu as his Chinese spy wife is Chinese. I do know as kung fu is not something you pick up in coof lockdown anymore than you pick up jujitsu in a year. All Zuckerberg has is a cop choke hold they teach you in the basics of training, and do not let cops choke people out anymore, because fumduckers were neck breaking people.

Look this is all bullshit as everything Musk and Zuckerberg get into is bullshit. Musk opened his mouth before he knew the manboob Zuckerberg gets off on intimate serial choking people out. Zuckerberg thinks he can get Musk in the ring, get on his back and choke him out to look like the toughest computer bully.

In all combat, there are the Sacred 7. I'm not going to explain those locations on the human body which is unnecessary, but the rule I have always led with is that there is nothing in this life which is worth fighting for. There are only those things which are worth killing for.

The Sacred 7 are augmented by the Final Four. It requires skill to not break your own bones in defeating an opponent. Each theory of combat is the motion of defense to offense. Soft tissue is always the primary focus. Combat is not martial art. Combat is breaking an opponent quickly as other opponents may appear.

It looks good in Hollywood all of these big fights scenes, but in a real fight, the objective is one disabling blow, and a follow blow to end the situation. That is what 7 and 4 are.

Zuckerberg in his cuddle position, exposes himself to real damage, permanent damage in a real fight. Anyone involved in street or prison fighting can complete in the choke position life altering injuries or death to an assailant this close to them. They may succeed in the choke out in that 20 seconds, but the price will be too high for the submission.

As Musk is already backing out, this has ended as it should as Zuckerberg choking out children apparently is not getting a hard enough erection to validate himself from his Chinaman wife. He has male issues or he would not always be out trying to prove he is a male.

Let us just end this before Zuckerberg entices more children to choke each other, and kids end up with broke necks and Zuckerberg ends up indicted for inciting murder in his manly bullying. Musk needs to stay behind the keyboard, as both of these DIA extensions are in place, not for their abilities.

Nuff Said

