Sunday, August 6, 2023

The Chinaman or the Egg


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I never have anything good to say about a Chinaman, but in having the need TL and I ordered a 96 egg incubator. I had no time to even open the box until June, and found I had an incubator which I had to assemble with Chinaman instructions in my shop on wheels which was about 900 degrees.

TL and I got it put together, and in start up, I'm impressed.

It is a two tier incubator, hence 96 eggs. As I could not afford on no donations, a 1000 dollar incubator, this automatic egg turning, auto humidity and temperature control was wonderful. I had built my own which I had to manually turn the eggs and it works wonderfully, but this one is just lovely.

What had made me frown on others is they were styrofoam. I was not spending money on styrofoam.  This one is all plastic, pretty heavy duty plastic and it looks durable.

I will have to file a report after it hatches eggs, but in this shitty spring and summer my chickens were not laying the best. Took me a month to get 4 dozen eggs and that is what hopefully will be set tomorrow are these 4 dozen eggs. I know what they say about fresh eggs, but we used to have banties, laying eggs on the ground for a month, and they were sitting in piled up eggs in the dirt, and would hatch out more chicks than they could set on, so eggs to me are.......well a bit more durable than what the experts say.

I will know what is the future of my flock in this hatch as I really do not have room or need for 48 more chickens, anymore than I can feed them or room in the freezer. It is though seeing what I can get for hens to further the flock.

Hard to kill my big Braham roosters when they stand there and talk to me and a I pet them.

The plan was for muscovy time.  Was offered free guinea time or room So it is chickens and we shall see what happens as that is the world of La'me Cherry.

I do like the looks of this incubator.


As a August 4th disclaimer..........NOT ONE EGG HATCHED IN THIS INCUBATOR, from chicken to ducks.

That is your lesson which cost me.

Nuff Said
