Friday, August 4, 2023

Don't Sell Out for a Porsche

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I just do not understand the Biden's............well I do sort of.

Like if my brother Beau died, who was the SS Himmler of Delaware in throwing homosexuals into jail so Joe would be Vice President, if I was Hunter in seeing what a tasty wife he had, I would tap that. What I would not do, is tap it and scrap it. That was a hot woman. A woman that put up with Biden farts. You keep a woman like that. You don't screw some stripper and make a kid and then marry some child out of South Africa.

It is like the bribes the Biden's took in selling out America. Hunter gets a porsche. I have nothing against German stuff. Hell someone gives me a 1974 Datsun or a VW Bunny with a diesel engine that gets 50 mph gallon...........they could give me a junked VW as I want the engine for other projects.........but for me if I was a Biden and selling out my country, I would not be getting a car. You can't go buffalo hunting with a car. You can't haul chicken feed in a car. You can't throw things in your car bed as it does not have one like a pick up.

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Here is what I would expect to show up unexpected from the Nazi of Ukraine.

This has Wyoming tags on it I think, but this is a pick up, a nice 4 x 4 pick up. Two Chiefs is a 2 x 4, ,but Ford was not making four wheel drive pickups on 1876. I think they barely started making them in 1960 AD in the year of our Lord.

I'm not much for the tall boys, but give me 16 inch grippy tires and we would be set. I don't know if Ford made lock out hub caps back in 1970. They might not have appeared until 74 but I can live with white wheel hubs as white is a race too, God says it is the best race, but God might get throwed into jail for saying that now.

I'm thinking this big boy has a 390 engine in him. Heaven would be a 429 to suck the oil pumps dry. I doubt even Dick Cheney has a Ford like this. His daughter probably needs a 1 ton in she his hefty, the one who is political nuts. The one who is lezbo probably sits in a Ford electric pick up, as that is all you can do in them........sit as the battery runs out if you open the electric door locks. Ford lost billions on them things. Ford would be making money if they just made:

1966 Mustangs with a 390 engines

1966 Ford F 100's with 351 engines

1970 F 250' with 360 engines.

You could throw in a Grand Torino with a 429, 4 on the floor, 4 barrel Holley carb too, as a kind of interstate touring car for the family.

This is not about how to save woke Ford. This is about Hutner Biden giving selling out America for bribes a bad name. I would love an old Mercedes with a diesel in it, driving 120 miles an hour down the interstate.

Oh here is a story from JYG.

JYG has an older brother who looks like a troll. He had built a car with a high speed transmission and rear end. As JYG said, it really went in 4th did not need to shift into 5th as it really flew then.

So the brother is tooling along to a border town and on the way, our highway patrol spotted him. When the highway patrol finally stopped him, the troll as a kid, rolled down his window and said, "Do you need help officer, as with all that steam coming out of your engine, you must have stopped me for help".

As is the story, this is when highway dicks were all driving Ford 429's, so you know the troll had something special to stress that kind of V 8 to collapse in trying to catch him.

So I do like driving fast, once you get used to it. I dearly loved running Zelda around 80 and she would fly to 90 sometimes as she just rolled along well. Those Buick LeSabres are cars with not allot of pick up off the line, but you get that heap of weight rolling and they are a wonderful touring car, along the German autobahn protocols as that is what I think Buick made them as, the cheap Mercedes with a six cylinder that rode 500 miles smooth.

I would have at least got a Buick if I was Hunter, as I don't think that man has ever gotten more than whore shit under his fingers his entire life. Zelda like most Buicks in the Brier had a tow hitch.

So Hunter Biden is a really bad example for bribes for American kids. The Clintons and Bushs.....Trump kids too were all bad examples. None of them got the kinds of things that dreams are made of.

Would it not have been cool to see Ivanka Kurschner driving around in a Willys Jeep as a bribe? She would look fab, but I don't think Tel Aviv, Mecca or that place in the Balkans handed out fun bribes either.

The Obama girls.......they just did not make out very well with the bribes either. Kind of look like they went down hill in only getting Good  Will clothes. Is what happens when gender mom has a Muchelle nutsack.

We already covered the Cheney girls.........only Bush who amounted to something was Jeb's kid, imagine that of all things, but he took jobs for his kickbacks and is working for it. I would think though that the cartel could give him like a personal jaguar cat, and all the free Mexicans to feed it. Be kind of cool in inviting over billionaire queers for hedgefund donations, have some sundowners by the jaguar pit, and throw in some Mexicans the border patrol caught who the cartel made sure were not fed up on hot peppers as the cats would not like that. I read that in the 1845 AD in the year of our Lord war with Mexico that the wolves would not eat the beaners, because they ate hot peppers. As jaguars are endangered species, the cartel would have to make sure the food allotment was pepper free in the diet for a month before Jorge had a Jaguar Dining Party.

I don't think Hunter Biden ever got a load of Chinese or Slavs in to feed his parents attack killer German Shepherd which only feeds on Secret Service Agents. One would think that the Bidens would have budgeted for that as the Secret Service does protect them.

So I think from now on as the FBI and DOJ are running these bribe cover ups, that they need to set up protocols in what is a good bribe and what kind of dividends are acceptable as I think if you are selling out your country and have lots of little bastard babies around, that you need to be practical. As I like Ford's, Hunter could probably get by with like a 1972 Chevy half ton. They are kind of puss pick ups and would fit a city fellar like Hunter. Kind of just drive down to the Sonic for a feel of the waitress and a slushy thing, with the windows rolled down flipping the bird to chicks who will react if they want to get picked up. No load there as Hunter does not like fat chicks, only black, chinks and blondes or his brother's brunette. He could use the bed of the pick up for kegs of beer. Drive down to the local schools and set up for the parking lot as school let out. Get like Bon Jovi to play as those liberals always are playing for liberal politicians and Hunter could take it off as a tax deduction in entertainment. See that is Hunter's problem, he never took tax deductions on his bribes. You can take a pick up off for hauling, but not some German sports car. The IRS is not going to fall for that.

So the FBI and DOJ could help Hunter with these things for the Biden crime family and Hunter would not have an legal probs again. He should have joined the NRA if he was going to buy a gun and lie about it on the ATF form.

I think that is the cure for all of this. Fords for people who are not going to sell out. Chevy's for those who will...........and leave the GMC and early Dodges for those who are thinking about taking bribes. IT would be easier on law enforcement as they could just look at who owns what vehicles and go from there.
I bet that DC Piper is a Dodge man. He works for the government, but does fake bombings on Jan6, and he has not decided if he is going to go full Chevy yet.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

