Thursday, August 3, 2023

America Involved In State Sponsored Torture In Ukraine


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It really disgusts this poor orphan girl in all the liberal bitching about George W. Bush in "torture" by Dick Cheney of terrorists (It never happened.) to hear nothing but silence from liberals when American Jan6ers are tortured and driven to suicide in prison by the police state and American state sponsored terrorism and torture in Ukraine.

Thee American below, is no different from the Lame Cherry, no different from anyone right or left who reads this blog anywhere in the world. He has an opinion in concluding the facts he is reading, and has that right to speak about the history of Ukraine based on those facts. Like all of us though, we have learned that we have no rights from intimidation visits or our computers screwing up, because those in power in the West do not want people reading things and deciding things for their own.

This American Chilean, was tortured in Ukraine in a brutal and most heinous way. Real torture of cracked ribs and being held down as inmate proxies of the Kiev Nazis took toothpicks and scratched the whites of his eyes, and asked him if he could read with only one eye.

Chilean-American blogger Gonzalo Lira, who was arrested by Ukrainian intelligence in May on charges of pro-Russian sympathies, reappeared online on Monday and told a sordid tale of beatings and extortion while awaiting a show trial.

“I was tortured in two of the four cells I was in—by the other prisoners,” Lira posted in a 25-tweet thread on Monday evening, noting that all the torture in the pre-trial detention center (SIZO) was outsourced to the inmates. 

“I got a cracked rib in my first cell, but it wasn’t too bad. The worst stretch was in my fourth cell. From 1pm on June 21 until 7pm the next day—30 hours” two inmates tortured him and at one point “used a toothpick to scratch the whites of my left eye, while asking me if I could still read if I had just one,” Lira wrote.

This is what the Kiev Nazis, fully trained by Tel Aviv, London and DC are engaged in. This all began with their locking Orthodox Church doors and burning the building and occupants down. We have been lied to and told that none of this has happened, like Kiev still shelling homes of Russians in Ukraine. Yet this is another glaring example of what DC's regime is engaged in, at home and abroad.

Americans are having billions confiscated from them, their own defense placed in jeopardy by weapon's shortages, and the American State Department led by Anthony Blinken says nothing about these crimes against humanity, any more than Frank Roosevelt protested the Soviets murdering and torturing Reich troops in World War II. America has a long liberal history of condoning criminal mass torture and murder by their "friends".

This is even worse as Mr. Lira stated he contacted thee American State Department while he was being tortured by Kiev............they did absolutely nothing. This is the United States by woke Anthony Blinken allowing Nazis in Kiev to torture and American Citizen. American are being tortured by the Ashkejew regime in Kiev and DC will do nothing to protect Americans, but all to enable this criminal mafia in Kiev.

Unlike the Jews in their claim of NEVER AGAIN, the Lame Cherry actually professes NEVER AGAIN for all people.

Lira at this writing has fled to the Hungarian border asking for asylum from Ukraine. The clock is ticking on this, and the Chileans are the only government willing to help in this.

This is though a world we now are hostage in. A world where the charge of a "red pill" dating coach is on the left a license to intimidate, arrest, torture and imprison, just because he has looked at the war in Ukraine and HAVING LIVED THERE, has concluded that Russians living in Ukraine are the modern Jews of the Warsaw ghetto, due to the Nazis of Kiev.

For this the silent Victoria Nuland of the State Department is colluding to have toothpicks poked into the eyes of a human, held down by Kiev Nazi proxies in prison.

Has this world so degraded that the Lame Cherry must state that people should not be poking toothpicks into other people's eyes? As a Protestant Christian that is really basic in you do not poke toothpicks into other people's eyes. Yet for some non empathetic reason, the voters of Joe Biden's stolen election in 2020 to the Mitch McConnell GOPliters need to have a line drawn in crimes against humans, that people are not allowed to poke toothpicks into another person's eyes.

This has to be stated as what is taking place in American Proxy Ukraine is taking place in the District of Crime against Americans on American soil in American custody.

Apr 8, 2021 ... Ryan Samsel is accused of pushing over barriers and knocking down a police officer – causing her to suffer a concussion – during the January 6 ...


Nuff Said
