Friday, August 4, 2023

Get em up Scout


Uhm, that Two Chiefs good horse with engine, but Silly Pony not give him
grain and shelter in barn like Tonto do you, Scout.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Well that Silly Pony really beat to shit that Two Chiefs so my hopes for a quick fix of the old boy has turned into one of priorities of things I have to get done in getting cattle to pasture. I had hoped that I could use the pick up to pull the stock trailer, but after taking two days and two trips to town to get an engine block heater, as the Ford 360 takes a 1 3/4 and not the common 1 5/8ths, that was installed with the typical polishing and putting on some anti freeze as lube.

New surprise, I needed my 1/4 sockets as my 3/8ths inch set from long ago was too thick to put on the screw to seat the block heater into the block. Always something it seems.

So that was done. Put in remaining anti freeze, but not being stupid, put in a gallon of water to test things.....and test I did as it leaked. Really disappointing in trying to figure out what the hell is going on and where. The worst was the soft plug behind the starter, which means I have to pull the starter. Which is why this project is going to secondary phase as without donations and I have to get things done which are a priority, this pick up is now not on the first things list.

The soft plug on the same side front is also leaking. Not sure about the one on the other side..........but I think that one is ok. It is at least not the one behind the engine mount which I do not want to deal with.

Makes me sad as I wanted to get this pick up, up and running, as it does run when gas is dumped into the carb and I can do a carb kit into it which would probably fix everything. Thing is just am pressed with replacing expensive freezer which the replacement did not work so that was another two days gone, and I need to get my other priorities as fence does not fix itself in the hell that is that pasture. I get to the point of wanting to give up and just stop working my ass off in this End Times and let the storm pass over me as projects are fun, but not the normal work and a bunch other things a disaster that must be fixed at the same time as all become priorities. Just am tired from last winter yet, and here comes another winter.

So Two Chiefs will not be a starring role here as he gets fixed. Now it is gone missing for a bit, as the last thing I did in the heat today was empty the rat's next of cable and barbed wire tangled up. I had to use a bolt cutters to cut the cable and the wire as it was impossible to try and deal with I do not want to waste 1/2 inch cable as they do not give that away anymore either.

I did learn something else about Two Chiefs or Fords. These Indians used to hook chains on various parts like the bed and fender, and bend the shit out of things. I had my plough hammer so I decided to do some straightening. Fords of that era seem to have some sort of spring steel in them as the metal just bounces and will not hammer. Yes that is when Fords were built like brick shit houses and not that shit Ford came out with starting in the late 80's which robbed people in fixing costs. All that good steel has gone to China and come back impure shit that will fall apart. Silly Pony did his worst to destroy Two Chiefs, but failed. Is just going to take more time and effort than I have at the non donor present to fix him up.

I can understand those soft plugs rusting and pushing out, due to the reality that them Indians live in the bottoms and shade, where it is wet. Two Chiefs has that damn rock lichen growing on him, and that means wet, and that means rusted out glow plugs.
Not just Indians as the Super MTA had the same shit growing on it, that the rich convert Jew had, and why that tractor required the Tractor Whisperer to breathe that guy to life in the carburetor was corroded. Millionaire Jew convert to Catholic, had like 6 million dollars, and he just deteriorated that tractor. Then again them Indians get government freebies, casino cuts and dope sales, so they should take better care of things, but that is bullshit as they would run a horse into a ground that a White man and a Mexican has both abandoned for dead. That is Two Chiefs now, trying to revive what an Indian left for dead is one Tonto leap of faith onto Scout.

Nuff Said
