Friday, August 4, 2023

The American Blight Cycle


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is a warning of the crop structure across America for soybeans, corn, potatoes and beets. The following photos are brier patch crops. This is the worst. This is sand ground, which for the most part was not tilled, but that is now hurting too.

These crops should look lush and dark green.

I estimate 40% of the beans are gone. 90% are hurt. The corn is "done" here in having tasseled. 50% is in horrid shape. The remaining 50% all has the yield reduced. This is not just the Brier, but the entire crop production in the frost states.

This translates into the Mexicans who are already short on corn, will compete with you for your food. This means as India shut off selling rice, that China is stressed in not having American soybeans. They will then have to compete with you and South Americans for food.

With Russia in control of Ukraine, those wheat exports will not go to Europe, but to Africa and the Mideast allies. Europe will demand your American food.

This will not fix. HAARP lezbos of Germany in that chem snow altered the soil structure so plants are impeded at the microscopic level from gaining water molecules and the soil does not absorb and hold moisture. The sand is showing the worst signs. I do not know if it is possible to undo this chemical salt alteration of the microbe structure of the soil.

This is the almost perfect global famine. Wheat should be at 50 dollars a bushel to match oil and rice. When the no one may buy or sell and  bread will be a day's wages, wheat will be over 2500 dollars a bushel. I would that it was that price now, as then I would be in the non begging mode to people who have money and are sitting on it.

As it is, after satan and wicked people fucked up my plans and still are, we have a crop of wheat coming in as God blessed this crop. That is the emergency food supply and seed, all costs me and that is the way it is.

This is not going to change for next year, by logic. The Lame Cherry told you, that we are in a drought cycle. It might be the 30's and 70's of ten years, or it might be a 500 year drought cycle which is what moved the Vikings out of North America as the predated the Asians who moved in later from Canada.

Rain will no make any difference in these crops.. Rain in fact would probably make a klusterfuck out of the soybeans in they would start blossoming again, and have dry beans and wet beans which could not be harvested.

These pictures are the future. Let your portfolios and connections solve this for you.

Nuff Said
