As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The problem for most of you is two things. First you are your own worst enemy. Second, God is Just.
There are Books of Evidence which are all recorded against every one of us. Those who are genuine Protestant Christians have a special Blood from Jesus the Christ which is like White Out, in it hides our sins, so we are not Judged by Christ. If though, we leave Christ, reject the Holy Ghost, that Blood disappears and all of our sins are able to be read again for evidence against us.
Those who are anti Christ, have all of those sins presented before God, and their life events are indeed reviewed. The rain does fall on the good and the evil, but God's blessings and long suffering will not prosper the sinner.
So all of you Dusty Bible types have this in store for you, which the signs are so clear these past years, that even the haters of Christ are uneasy.
Micah the Prophet
Chapter 3
4Then they will cry out to the LORD, but He will not answer them. At that time He will hide His face from them because of the evil they have done.
There is a covering for the Protestant Christian though. It is revealed in the book of Zephaniah.
It has 3 parts. The first is to preserve, defend, keep God's Justice, that means the backing God in the enforcement of the law, as that is what Justice is, the evidence presented, a verdict and sentencing for the crime. It means to not be making excuses for even those you love more than God. Upholding Justice is showing God you love Him more than yourself.
The second part is to be Right with God. That means obeying the 10 Commandments, which are loving God in serving Him and loving other people in caring about them. That does not mean bringing rapists and into your home or making excuses for your politics. That means the acts of assisting people who you can see have needs, and you do this without making them feel like you own them and they owe you.
The last is HUMILITY. Being HUMBLE. Humility is summed up in you do not think you are better than God or other people. Your shit stinks just like everyone else's does. Don't forget that in your luxury as God sure does not.
Zephaniah the Prophet
Chapter 2 Verse 3
Seek the Lord, all you humble of the nation. Uphold Justice, be Righteous, seek humility, for it may be that you may be hidden in the wrath of the Day of the Lord.
So if you discipline yourself into the above, you may be protected from Jacob's Trouble and the End Times. If you are doing the above to save yourself, then you are dead already. God has requirements in, He has use of people who will work for Him. If your outlook is to be someone that God can work though in the End Times, He will deliver you through as you have a purpose. If you are going to sit in your luxury bunker and watch people go into the zombie abyss, you are no different than the zombie, so you will not have any protection as you have no purpose before the Lord.
I give you life and death in the above verses. I'm not here to plead nor to wipe your spiritual ass. You are going to grow up and face the consequences of your decisions. This is all your responsibility. Mine for your sins ended a few years ago. I'm now about other business for God. I served and you owe.
This is all evidence now for most of you in the Book of Judgment, and it is against you. You are getting harder daily and more seared. The tarnish of satan has glazed over you in deception.
Change to do Good and if you are Good, then keep doing Good.
This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.