send me back to Oz please.....
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I do not recommend this to any of you, but it is something to keep in mind about human psychology.
TL and I were busy weeding the garden, when I looked up and saw this SUV Caddy crawling on the road and stopped. In the Brier, we are like Indians, in we spot everything and suspect everyone who is unknown.
I soon saw a dog outside the vehicle and knew this was some vacationer or urbanite having their dog shit on my road. For some reason people think that rural people like animals shitting on our roads so we can drive over it with our tires, get it on our vehicles and have it in our yards.
They think we like having their diseased and wormy dogs infecting our animals with their diseases and worms.
I informed TL that I was going to deal with this.
So off I went, the curb crawler was a quarter mile further and I sort of misjudged the approach I was going to pull into, and sort of skidded. The curb crawler had been out by then, in their fatty summer shorts as the AC was on, and they could not sweat for the dog, so they loaded the thing into the SUV.
I pretended I was checking crops. Always have an excuse that you are there for something else as the idea is to nudge assholes away.
So I walk down the hill, check things and this SOB has turned the corner and has that dog out again. So back I go, drive up to the corner, turn and get in behind them. Fatty leaves the dog out, pulls over and expects me to go around them.
NO I am not running over some pound mutt, a blue heeler cross with some shit. People like this are all woke. Think they are saving something, but all the got is a dog that no one wants. I hate blue heelers as much as a I hate pit bulls. At least most people with pit bulls are not woke, just fucking nuts.
So I sit there. I sit there, and finally fatty opens the door and the dog gets in and they drive away. I follow. They turn again, but another farmer is spraying weeds so that is a help. I drive up to the approach in the opposite direction and turn around and go home.
I do check our corner to make sure that they are not coming around again. No one but Jane on her way to work.
I have found that if you give people a bad experience the first time, they in most cases will never come back. This crawler with it's dog shitting all over the place did not come back, THANK YOU GOD.
I don't like doing stuff like this, but it has to be done as people are such assholes, rich people especially with their shit dogs. I live in the country by choice. So I do not have to put up with people looking at me, their pets shitting on my things and whatever else that is annoying and criminal that people in cities make a habit of.
Don't let shit get started. Do not get into confrontations with anyone. Most people just do not like other people being around. They simply move on.
Nuf Said