Tuesday, September 19, 2023

A Big Day with a Big Ford


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I realize it has been awhile since the Two Chiefs saga has appeared here, but in real time it has been longer, as I had allot of shit pile up, delays and I honestly did not know how to get at the one soft plug that was leaking, as it was behind the starter.

Of course reading online solved all of that, in they said for the 3 bolts that held the starter in place, you just needed a ratchet with a long extension and a socket elbow and it was out just like that. For some reason my 360 CID was not what the others had as I had an exhaust manifold in the way.

So with a box end wrench, I had the hood open, standing on a stool, reached between the hood and the window and blind feeling that is how that bolt came out. First comes out on top, and last back in, that is the rule according to the experts.

I had to use a needle nose pliers as the bolt was too long at the end.......and upon getting it loose, I dropped it in the grass. Yes I need a garage, but thank God, He directed me to find it under the pick up.

That was all I accomplished the first day.....well I took the cable off the starter bolt. Got sludge grease in my eye too....so wonderful even with eye protection on.

So that laid there two days as I pondered how to get the starter off without conking me on the head. I finally as there was no room, tied a twine string on the starter bolt for the battery and that is how it hung in place.

I still needed an extension on the other two bolts but it is now hanging under the pick up.

The next mission is  going to get the soft plugs out and in................one of the plugs is behind an engine mount bracket, so am thinking about that one. I would like to put all new ones in as these are some bad looking steel ones.

That though is the saga of the starter coming off which I hope goes on easier than coming off. I think it took me an hour to blindly unscrew the top one. These are the parts I hate about mechanic work and why I would rather take it to a mechanic and let them be bothered with the problems.

This though is the big stuff I hope..........and  the other things will be easier.......yes that engine mount hiding the soft plug is interesting.

I'm learning though.

Nuff Said.

