Tuesday, September 19, 2023

The Meltdown Knife

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

For most of you in a meltdown, a utlity knife or 9 11 box cutter would suffice for you. The utility knives are pretty tard proof unless you leave them out and slice yourself with them.

Not a long blade, but one which will cut, is sharp, and replacable. 

You should know that you need a screwdriver to take them apart to change blades. Blades are stored inside of the knife so you do not lose them.

The blades in the knife housing are double ended so you can turn them around and have a knew sharp edge when the other one gets dull.

A warning. The blades have 2 and 3 slots on top. You will have to know which one for the blades. Mine is a 2 slot.

A helpful hint is that a few drops of 30 weight oil will make the blade slide in and out smoothly. I have never bought one of these new. The one I have on my desk, is from the Thrift, it is covered with shingle tar as that is what they are used for most in slicing asphalt shingles and tar paper to size.

This is not a knife, so do not expect the length for slicing, filleting or whatever. It is though a durable cutting edge and most people should have several of these affordable tools, with spare blades.

In a bug out kit, you could tape the extra blade packets to the knife so they will not at least get lost until them.

Nuff Said
