Sunday, September 10, 2023

A Bung Plug

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Two years ago when JYG gave us a trailer house, there was a pile of shit outside that I never paid much attention to in the junk. A floor jack rusty as hell.........I pumped the lever and nothing moved, so I figured it was shot and more than I cared to deal with.

Two years changes things as cheap Chinaman shit on Harbor Freight is now expensive Chinaman shit to destroy America, thanks to Bush fam.

Anyway non donors did not donate, so we suffered in not having a 4 wheel drive pick up, but JYG came through for us with that, and he will be blessed while the non donors will have the heaped up coals in hell for cheating God and me.

I digress.

The reason the pick up matters is, I always equip my vehicles with specific tools. I always have a vice grip, pliers, screwdrivers, knife, 1/2 inch impact sockets, breaker bar, ratchet, hatchet, plough hammer, tow rope, clevis, chain and jumper cables.
I have my tools out at JYG's more times than not.

So with the JYG pick up, I needed to start accumulating quality tools again, and as floor jacks are expensive, I decided to give that junker jack a look over again. I went out as it was sitting outside, and pumped actually worked. Wow, leaving a jack get water in it from rain and snow and it worked.

What was wrong with it, is there is a thing on jacks called a bung plug, it is where you fill the hydraulic oil into the pump, was gone. Have no idea why or whatever but it was gone, so I looked for it, found out what it was, and it was like 8 bucks for 12 of them if they fit. Of course in the Brier no one has shit like that, never head of it.

So I looked through the farm store assortment of things and they had nothing, but I did find a 7/16ths plastic plug, that might have been for lawn chairs........have no idea but I can find it again as it does work. It had slots on the side so I cut it with a deer slayer knife on the picnic table, and tapped it in with a little ball pein hammer, and tapped in too well on the last tap, but it is in there and no rain is getting in there to freeze things up.

You can look online for the instructions in how to fill a floor jack, but you basically just fill to cover the piston. I topped it off, drained some out, jacked it up twice to make sure it all worked in no air bubbles, put in the plastic cap and put the jack inside, as honestly I still have to check this out on a vehicle, but this jack is better than the one I got from JYG. It might be a 3 ton jack.

Sure it was rusted to hell, but I have oil on it now soaking and it is looking more desirable all the time. Free jack with a 59 cent fix compared to several hundred dollars.........I like my jack as the new arsenal for the other pick up starts being collected.

What seems to go wrong with these jacks is the O rings blow by. If you want the Lame Cherry assessment, what you have is cheap ass people, buying the little floor jacks that belong on Toyotas and they are jacking ton trucks up with them and destroying them. I have an adage in life. You can always cook small things in a big pan, but you can not cook a big thing in a small pan. In most cases, bigger is better. Get the big ass jack, more than you need, because the big jack will make jacking your small stuff a breeze, instead of protesting.

I still am going to see what JYG has around there, as the Tractor Whisperer might have a spare 4 x 4 to come to our home, and as I said.........I want things in my pick up that I will need and not sit there not being able to get the hell out of Dodge.

Oh one more thing, the reason I know about floor jacks is there was this New Yorker who had a big ass Crescent wrench who was  taking one apart and fixing it. I also have a big ass Crescent wrench. They are not that great for taking things apart, but I use them allot of leverage in prying on things.

A big ass Crescent wrench is a 15, 18 or 24 inch size. I have my doubts about off brand stuff, but I can assure you that my old man could  not destroy his 15 or 18, and he tested everything out, even I use cheater bars, so they used to make stuff good.
