Sunday, September 10, 2023

No offense was ever thought or taken


Oh........that felt just like when the Grey's put that electrode on my nuts.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have to apologize to NS as he thought he had given offense, when he meant to be looking out for me. I appreciate his caring about me as I do tend to find interesting ways to test the Holy Angels. I'm typing at the moment with a JYG injury to my index finger in I cut it by trying to get a radiator cap loose.
My thought was of that doctor who told mobsters he could change their finger prints by slicing the ends of their fingers, pouring in acid and that would complete the job.

That will not work and as an epitaph the doctor disappeared, because the mobsters killed him. In feeling the pain of twice this happening to me in 2 months, I can understand why the mobsters hit that quack as my injury is just a few centimeters while they had 10 finger tips raw.

Didn't mean to offend. Just don't want anyone hurt. It had been on my heart since I read of your find. 

I had no idea that porcelain insulators could build up a charge and arc on the inside, under certain conditions. I had never thought of the number of rings in how many there need to be in high voltage lines. I look at that stuff all the time, run electric fences and know things arc from grasshoppers to weeds to whatever and have had to make some innovative fixes. Never thought of something which was never mentioned in layman conversations.

At present, meaning tomorrow, I will be visiting the power company as my bill got soaked half way and I was not taking the chance in it not being paid in a computer age. I put it under something and it leaked through. Did not even get upset, so am improving. I heard that voice telling me "Don't do that".

Again, I'm sincere in the apology and thanking NS about the warning. My intention is to use DC low voltage power for my invention project on a heat storage unit, if I get it built. As the wire in the truck got smoking hot from a 12 volt battery, reduced to 9 volts, I figured I could get like heat in my project from low voltage as I burned my finger tip once on a 6 volt in closing the circuit.

I try to be very careful always with electricity as I do not like shocks and understand I'm not faster than a jolt.

NS did good as others will read about the carbon tracks and pay attention.

Nuff Said
