Sunday, September 10, 2023


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is an interesting HAARP weather bomb which is generating out in the Atlantic and moving to thee American coast, as the video below, proves, using, which this site has utilized in exposing the blizzard bombs which HAARP generated last year.

The main point of the video below is 3 hurricanes are going to merge into one in a few days.

This does not happen in nature.

As the Lame Cherry exposed last winter, those super storms hitting California, were deliberately generated out of China, and then hit California, where land cyclones were generated to bury the central United States under chem snows, the effects are still poisoning the land.

I really do not understand the chemistry of this cocktail as the dew is like a rain every morning in it is that wet. As another example, I had a tote in the yard which had filled with water during a 2 week monsoon. I finally dumped it out, and went and did chores. I came back and was perplexed in where this huge puddle had appeared in the yard. I thought it had rained somehow. When I figured out it was the tote water, the water had not soaked into the soil, but had run at an incline close to 15 feet. That incline had grass and weeds. It should have absorbed that water. As I have said, water is not being absorbed into soil or plants.

While everyone is warning about gas and food prices, no one is picking up what the Lame Cherry has posted. Something is very wrong in the United States at the heart of thee entire matter of water absorbed into the soil and water not absorbed into plants. You can not grow things with that kind of situation. What is troublesome is this has not alleviated as I thought. This stuff is not breaking down. Last winter was the kill shot in these chemicals. If the United States is hit again like this, it is an entirely different monopoly control of food out of America's hands.


The projections from Windy are showing this storm is not coming inland, which is the worst of the worst. If a big cane hits land, it will die, with damage only in the central zone. If a hurricane holds offshore and continues to be fed, it keeps sending in tornadoes, flood surges and Cat 3 hurricane force smashing things.

This looks like weather warfare and this time it is not California, Texas or the central part of America. This is the liberal east coast. Whoever is doing this in the HAARP lezbos of Germany are going after liberals.

As I have not enough donations, and enough problems I really do not care what shit hits the fan in this. The Lame Cherry will state though that the patterns so far have put these canes on this type of route. They are not moving into the Gulf and hitting Texas or the coast. This pattern should hold and more storms should follow up the coast.

Meet you on the other side. 

As a final pause in this, California was just flooded by a cane two weeks ago. This is not normal in canes do not hit the west and east coast. Nature does not do this.

If you need to be told, these storms are generated out of Africa. They probably do not have the high chem contents as it is a different feature in generating snow in the interior as where the ocean feeds hurricanes, in the American interior, a chem platform must be created to energize the storm.

The melding of the storms though reveals a central cannibalizing cane eating the two opposite. HAARP lezbos melded storms in super blizzards all of the winter of 2022 an 2023 AD in the year of our Lord and no one gave a damn about it and left me for dead. It is coming home to roost in the crop production though.

This should turn into a Noreaster type storm in the New England states before moving off to Iceland and England.

Nuff Said

