Monday, September 11, 2023

The Russian in Thought


Keep looking at my tits you fucking American lezbo woke trash while I stick
an RPG up your tampon slot and win another one for Mother Russia

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If you are interested in the reality of the Russian mind, in which President Vladimir Putin was educated in, under the genius spy chief, Yuri Andropov, in what the United States is being undone by and will be undone by, the Lame Cherry takes you back to Afghanistan in 1979 AD in the year of our Lord.

The communist regime was having problems and Russia decided it needed to invade to protect a comrade regime. The Soviets had built, supplied and trained the Afghan military So when it came time to invade, they were facing a rather well armed group. To answer this, as the Russians were not like Americans in high tech in Iraq in confusing computers in weapon firing is what the Russians did.

The Russians approached the tank corps of Afghanistan, including those surround Kabul and informed them they were getting new replacements, but it would be necessary to drain the fuel from the tanks they had already, and put it into the new tanks. The Afghani's did just that. The Afghan tanks could not start as they were out of fuel.

There were no replacement tanks.

The Russians then told the Afghan tank corps that they had discovered faulty ammunition and it was necessary for the Afghan tank commanders to unload all of the tanks, and have new ammunition installed.

There was not any new ammunition coming and the shells they had were just fine.

Lastly, the Russians told the mechanized units that it was necessary to 'winterize' the Russian vehicles by taking out all of the batteries and placing them in storage.

So when Russian special forces dropped in, and Russian columns came out of the Soviet Stans, the Afghan tanks had no fuel, they had no ammo and the entire mechanized units of 200 vehicles did not have a battery in them. Afghanistan had nothing to resist the 50,000 Soviet troops who poured into their country.

Vladimir Putin was a young KGB officer a few years later, standing on the corner of Moscow, talking to President Ronald Reagan. Mr. Putin was the cream of Russian intelligence or he would not have been allowed anywhere near Ronald Reagan, posing as Russian man on the street. The Russians have only perfected their art of distraction and misdirection since Afghanistan. Ukraine has proven the Russian ability.

This insight into Russian ability is meant to educate you to what is coming and is here.

The Russians are not being suckered by America or China. The era of Obama queerness has lost it's shine on the Russians. They came to the party, enjoyed the Nigger dance and are not going to be distracted again.

Nuff Said
