Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Operation Damsel

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In these pages you have read often enough of the worthless weapons which the United States and NATO have dumped into Ukraine. The latest dump of illegal or obsolete systems as of this writing in mid July is America is dumping their stockpile of cluster bombs into Ukraine. The reason being  that they are illegal and the Pentagon would face a fortune in costs in destroying them, so they are dumped into the disaster of Ukraine which was already a toxic cesspool of chemicals, followed by British depleted uranium.

This is not the first time that this has taken place though, as in the 1980's, the United States started dumping obsolete weapons or captured weapons into Afghanistan. Some like the English caused the deaths of fighters by sending out non functioning weapons to attack Soviet air forces.

So for every worthless and broken HIMARS, Patriot and big howitzers with German tanks, there was in Afghanistan a like disaster.

There are not surprises in this as the Bush fam used Iraq as a munitions dumping ground of obsolete American weapons. Let us not forget in our focus on the modern warfare of Ukraine in weapons, that far more worthless munitions flowed in, than not, and what did flow in, most was sold by the Kiev Nazis to Iran.

Meet you on the other side.

The United States purchased the Tel Aviv stockpile of Arab Soviet weapons and dumped them into Afghanistan.

Egypt dumped it's old and rusty AK 47's into Afghanistan, after America subsidized the Egyptian army's revamping.

Turkey dumped World War II era stockpiles which were worthless.

The English, having procured a new anti aircraft missile, dumped their literal non functioning weapons into Afghanistan.

The Swiss dumped cumbersome anti aircraft systems into Afghanistan which could  not be moved around.

It was only the communist Chinese who were the honest brokers in meeting supply needs for a light mobile insurrection force and keeping track of what munitions were delivered.

Afghanistan is a glimpse of what Ukraine was and is to become. The Lame Cherry offers statistics in what Moscow did in the 1980's is being repeated in the 2020's AD in the year of our Lord.

What the Soviet's did in Afghanistan was an operation which pulled Afghanistan up by the roots, and left nothing to succor the fighting resistance. This would be repeated in scorched earth in Chechnya to solve another Muslim cartel war against the Russians.

The same posture is repeated. MIllions of refugees fled Afghanistan. Millions of Ukrainian Slavs have fled Ukraine. The population shift was driven from the rural areas to being concentrated in the cities.

While the Afghanistan tribes were not engaged in holocaust of their own people, the Kiev Zellinskyy has been systematically wiping out Slavic Ukrainians, over 200,000 males as of this time period, in favor of Zellinskyy's Ashkenaz minority.

Professor Louis Dupree of the era defined it as Migratory Genocide. It is the same policy in Ukraine, and for those who worshiped the charms of Barck Hussein Obama, his entire policy structure was based upon migratory genocide in his "wars" in the 3rd world, which induced human waves to invade first world nations in Europe and America. The genocide is now taking place in Europe and America with these refugees protected by the police state as a weapon to destabilize western governments. The Soviets weaponized refugees and in Ukraine, it is Russia, Kiev and NATO which have weaponized Slavic refugees, all to achieve the goal of destabilizing the West for it's overthrow.

So none of this is new. It has been honed as policy measures of war machines dumping obsolete weapons into a generated battlefield so they do not have to deal with the munitions while acquiring billions in newer weapons.........in America it is trillions in a bankrupt nation

I think the last count in dumping weapons into Ukraine that are worthless was England, Poland, Denmark, Spain, France, Germany, Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Norway, America, Australia, South Korea and who else.

This is not a war in the West. It is a management of board room resources, like Disney throwing out millions of dollars in computers for a new model and the laptops all end up in the junk pile sold to China for scrap. Never forget that reality of what this operation is. This is a corporate margin. The Ashkejew of Kiev can increase profits by killing of the Slavs. This is Himmler's camps of working people to death, all hid behind now the rhetoric of the patriotism of fighting Russians. Same bullshit Woody Wilson and Frank Roosevelt lied to people about in the last two world wars.

I would not trust China any further than I could throw that chopstick state, but it says allot in a world of criminals in China was the honest broker then and is now featured in that same role.  That is how bad things have degraded to.

Nuff Said
