Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Governor Snatch


I would like some attention please as I'm a hot mom, and the DIAs
Newsmax will bait click off of this to have other Darwins leave kitty tracks the 
FIB will follow.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If you notice, the Lame Cherry does not cover things which are not important. It is why when Governor Snatch of Neo Mexico banned firesticks due to health issues, the Lame Cherry did not cover it. It does not matter.

You have been conditioned to care about some Goddamn cat in Tennessee lost in a cave in national stories, when that does not matter jack shit to you or anyone else. What is taking place in Neo Mexico does not concern you.
You may say that other despots will do the same thing, well it is not your despot, so this is nothing that concerns you.

Before I get into this, I will educate you a bit, in there is reason I used Governor Snatch, Neo Mexico and firesticks, because AI logs everything. If you are stupid in using the terms that log, then you are going to be logged more, like being a moron in going onto some social platform and posting so the FIB will grab your account and send out some asset to chummy up with you, to set you up for a frame.

I told you, the PRUDENT STAY SILENT IN THESE TIMES. So shut up as you do not need the trouble as you are not as brave as you think you are when Homoland shows up to intimidate you.

Now children and brats, what is taking place is what I told you. The system of William Colby is being removed and an order is going to come to replace it to rule. This has been going on with aborticide to trigger you.....and when they got the Mexican breeders in, well they shut down aborticide. Same with the coof. it has it's use, and if you are a Darwin who is posting about this stuff, you are being logged and all of this is for a purpose later when things unfold in this order.

The firestick groups are already suing on this......so it is in the courts. Leave it alone as there is nothing to be done about this, but leaving tracks to get you into trouble.

YOUR JOB as Christ ordered you, is to get yourself right with God. That means the 10 Commandments. That does not mean strapping on firesticks and yelling about things in some gathering when half the people there are glow worms.

You pay your taxes, you observe the laws out there, you behave, you shut your mouth, and you stay away from all of these psyops. You create an impression in the spiders cataloging you that you are just another lemming, happy with your Doritos and peach beer, as you look at things which are peaceable or not on the list of items which flag people.

Homoland in the interview told me to stop posting specifics on remote viewing, as they did not want to drive to the last place on earth again to waste a day, so I complied and do not post specifics when that comes up.

Neo Mexico is just another diversion. It will hype the hyper up and other Darwins will follow along to glow worm meetings as they have no friends really and the glow worms are always wanting to listen to what idiots they are, as they record everything.

I like gardening. I'm forced in people with money have not donated yet, so I have to fix things. Last thing I bought was a repair manual. That logs me in the spiders into categories of people who are not going to cause trouble which is not what I would do anyway. I have to cover the stories to keep you appraised of what is important, but I do not look at porn like most of you.  My porn has been old Ford pick ups.
When I tell you that Jesus is the Person to focus on for your safety at present, that is what I'm doing completely. When Neo Mexico is not in the Bible, maybe it is not an End Times priority. Maybe you should start disciplining yourselves like this.

I was talking to a preacher from another state which is of the order. He was saying his Church was struggling with how to fight their state government on this trans diversion and other sodomite things. He has that church militant going on, like the people there in being scared that their cushy worlds they have created are now in danger.........as they are not about to flee to the wilderness to save their children as that would not be fun. They want to keep their lucre and the fiction of their Christianity too.

It is a mind boggling thing to most people, but you may have to homeschool your children. Wow you may have to be responsible in making a choice of having children and not pawn them off on society to raise.

Some will retort that, "We should not have to do that!" No we should not, but the Americans should not have been beat to death by their government in London either, but it still happened. The smart people did not make themselves targets. They told their children to keep them mouth shut, instead of mouthing off like mama and dada for attention online.

So Neo Mexico is handled. Not an issue for you. It will work through to the Black Robes and as this blog informed you years ago, two big gorillas were going to appear who were going to start giving you cover, namely China and Russia. Soon enough all these vermin, numbering over 200 million now will start giving you more cover, not so you can act out, but so that you can comprehend that the issues you are so upset about will end like the coof, and other issues will appear.

I know where this is going as I have read the Bible. I know it is going to get much worse, but I know Jesus is on the other side. I know how things will break down, and that is what I hope for, because I know in a break down, I have a better self reliance projection that I will thrive in, not shackled to this system now. So I do not fear what is coming as I know what it is, and I understand in tactical terms how there are many benefits in this.

This is why I keep telling you, to behave yourselves and shut your mouths. Your situation is going to be far worse, getting locked in Jan6 jail, with Russian bombs falling, Mexicans looting in the streets and Chinese eating you as a main course as you are already in a chicken cage of a prison. So a prudent person stays out of trouble and does not get manipulated into getting emotional over something which is not going to ever effect them.

So that is why I pass over without posting something on Governor Snatch. It is not worth my effort nor your time. I do not need to post, "Hey don't pick up that pile of cat shit in your lawn", as you should have that sense. It is something to be aware of so you do not step in it, but the cat is not shitting in your bed, so it is not affecting you.

Most of you get into trouble thinking, so you should not do it, as you come to the wrong conclusions.

Just let this shit go. There is worse stuff coming. You prepare in food, shelter, warmth, security and have your PLAN B, C and Z in mind. After the shitstorm of people pissing on our plans, we are settled out now in God's time with Plan B again in the back up plan in not being homeless. I told you about travel trailers which are available for junk prices. Richard and Stephanie astutely have been blessed by God with evacuation means and know they have a Plan B. I firmly believe we will not have any direct problems in our plans, as people are beginning to die here, and as fuel is shut off and other problems come up in this world. it will isolate our position to make it more secure.

Wow none of that is about Neo Mexico, as it does not matter and it will not matter to the Mexicans there because no one is going to try and disarm the Geronimo there, no more than anyone else. It is just a conditioning issue and that is like cat shit, something to not step in, but nothing to get upset about nor yourself in trouble over.

Nuff Said
