Friday, September 15, 2023

Punishing Entertainment


your time is coming as time will be finished just like you

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I will be blunt. I do not want any of this to get better. I'm thrilled by the aspects of this game of life on the edge. Every Protestant Christian should boldly take steps forward as this is the time they were born for. The self destruction of the system by the elite, is nothing a Protestant Christian cares about because they are not in the system. They are in Christ. They never entered the order, so they never were in Babylon.

God knows who you are. God knows who evil people are. The difference is, God will take care of you. God will not even hear these sodomite pervs who are in charge of the world. They think they can plot their way through this, but God laughs at them, as they will be ashes. I know this to be an easy time, as God is contending with all of this evil, and I have nothing to do with it. I'm liberated as a Protestant Christian  and look forward to the day of Christ's return. I shed each moment like a leaf from a tree. Not being more barren, but more free and unencumbered by all of those leaves which I thought were so important to me.

Proverbs 1

27when your dread comes like a storm, and your destruction like a whirlwind, when distress and anguish overwhelm you. 28Then they will call on me, but I will not answer; they will earnestly seek me, but will not find me. 29For they hated knowledge and chose not to fear the LORD.…

You will notice that God says these evil people who caused all of this and their followers, like Wisdom, are going to try and find it, but it will not be found. They seared their minds and hearts to the Way, the Truth and the Life. All they have left is the pit, the lies and death. I delight in this as this is something to be enjoyed in the destruction of all  of God's enemies which just happen to have made themselves enemies of me.

To not fear the Lord, means to love, and adore everything, EVERYTHING which is evil, which is selfish, which is in open rebellion against God. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom and to hate evil is the fear of the Lord.

So every one of these spiritual bastards who lusted for to rid God from this earth and our lives, is going to be cut off from Life. They are marked like livestock for the slaughter they prepared for Christians.

If you keep attaching yourself to the whiners and lamenters who are lamenting what is taking place, you are joining to be against God as this is God's remedy and reckoning to end evil.

Honestly I thought that this would be allot tougher to deal with. Yes I have had my hours and days of tribulation, but they were invested with God and God delivered. I said I would get through a things would be better and things not only got better but God blessed me with good things I need to serve Him in making things easier.

I relish the reality that evil people who mocked God and me, all Christians are in a prison time, where they are desperate and it is getting worse, and they are humiliated in having to beg God for help, and God is not going to help them. They will then get emotional and scream and rant more in showing all they are, and I cherish the balancing of the scales. They caused me immense hardship, and now they are going to get 1000 fold more at least.

They sowed pounding my ass to try and murder me, and now it is all coming back in a crop they will be made to harvest against themselves.

I think that is about all that needs to be said to encourage the Protestant Christians, as it is onward to toward Christ Who liberates us from the world and our entertainment is the suffering punishment of evil people.

Nuff Said
