Friday, September 15, 2023

No apologies necessary as we are all family


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

TL thinks I'm too polite, but it is the Brier culture for the most part in I apologize as it is better to be known as the polite one, instead of that son of a bitch.

There are lots of nuances in a Saxon culture which TL was observing the other day as we were being utilized by God to help someone get their feet back on the ground.

Whenever I'm chewing ass, it is not about someone who is considerate in the comment below as I know how rough it is. I'm chewing ass on  the people who need their ass chewed and it will not make one bit of difference. I was discussing that with TL today at breakfast and TL said,' You said that? Well you aren't going to get any donations for telling them that".

That is true, but I'm the only person telling people that when God is not working through you, or you are not genuinely supporting the things God is working through me, then every one of them is going to find out how expendable they are, and how all their money and supplies are not going to amount to jack or shit. What they think is there stuff is going to end up in the possession of others.

It is work being a Christian. Either you are Moses holding up the blog staff or you are the one holding up arm so the battle is won. Phoning it in is not going to buy you anything with God.

 I apologize as I needed to wait till I got paid. Been preparing Thank you for continuing to share 

I have a story about the guy we were helping. My sister had pounced on him with her prick husband. They phone it in. I warned this guy what they are and he is going to have to learn the hard way as my Pharisee sister is very good at the "consoling look" the "tell me about your troubles" as long as it does not cost anything.

They try to collect or attach themselves to people standing so it will raise them. People of standing will have nothing to do wit the Pecksniffs and the few who are emotionally drained figure things out not long after the trap is sprung and they leave.

As I stated, TL and I fed this guys kids as he had just a few dollars. We don't have jack or shit most days, so it was the widow's mite, but I was not going to let someone go further into debt to feed their kids. Yes I'm a very prudent giver. I state this not to pat myself on the back, but to show the difference in giving.

Take a guess what my sister and her prick husband gave this guy?

You will never get it, so here is what I was told. "I was given some old shingles he had to help roof my house".

Here is the translation. My brother in law has a fancy shed. He built it on a lake lot, shadowing the other lake homes which I'm sure pissed all the owners off, but see that is the kind of asshole he is. He needed it, so fuck you to the other people.

So he has shingles from who knows what, laying in the way in this shed, and he wants them gone. He is too cheap to throw them out, and you really can't get rid of that shit now. So how great it is that a guy down on his luck can get that shit dumped off on him to get rid of toxic waste.

I would not put it past this asshole if he takes it off on income taxes too.

Does the asshole offer with his kid, who is my godson to come put the shingles on? Nope.

See they phone it in like most of you on this blog.

As I told TL, "Do you know what old shingles are? They are OLD SHINGLES, even if  they are laying inside a shed for 10 years. Asphalt like all things degrade over time, so you are still getting shingles whose life run are running out."

So a guy who can not afford anything, is given old shingles which are going to degrade quicker than new ones. Bro in law does not give a damn as he got rid of the shit he had, and now he can tell everyone, "You know I gave him shingles to roof his house", because we all know how much better this asshole is than people who do not give old shit to people in need.

I really hate those people as you can predict at every situation how they will play it to make it look like they are really the Godly people in the room. They are awful people and God warned people to not being shit in offering to him in crippled cows or shit to other people in need which only makes things worse for them.

Yes the majority of you are expecting only the finest, the most expensive, and only get that for yourselves, but when it comes to God or others, you are no different than my asshole brother in law and his wife. It is why I will not have a thing to do with them.

Another tale in this, my brother went tits up almost 2 years ago from the vax and booster. My sister talked his daughter into an open casket. That is like 12,000 bucks to bury someone. My brother was dirt poor, His kids are not rich. They are at this moment just getting around to putting a tombstone on the grave.

Did my sister offer to pay for the viewing part which is 5000 which she cost these people? Hell no, and I do not know if she did, because I know in she stuck TL and I with a 7000 dollar funeral bill and the mother's bills, because she phones it in. That is why we don't have a shingled roof  and why we don't have allot of things, is because we had to pay off the mother's debts.

The Stage IV aunt just went tits up. She left my asshole sister 10,000 dollars, because she was her goddaughter. I told TL as there is a big silence from them that I'm betting the bro in law has talked my sister into flying out to California, so they can collect that money, as they have that money for plane tickets. They can then get free lodging at Stage IV's husband place, free food, and then work on that old guy to try and squeeze more money out of him.

That is my brother in law to a T. He spends money on bling to make him look  good, because he has such a shit low self esteem. They are a waste of humanity. He dumped 5000 dollars on an upgrade wedding ring. I looked at that stone and you get more sparkle out of a kitchen window. All he needs to be told is something is expensive, and he will get it. He is a sucker, but his spending costs everyone else who is being responsible the money he wastes.

So there are no apologies need from the Cherry family online here. The people who should be donating will never apologize as they are believing the devil's lies about how much they do and how wonderful they are. They will find out different like my pew sitting relatives.

It is what it is. They pat themselves on the back enough that they are convinced how wonderful they are. They will discover what useless culls they are when God leaves them to hang out to dry in the way they hung me out to dry. Either God is working through you and you have value or you do not.

Nuff Said
