Friday, September 22, 2023

Shed & Spread

Gave grandmother her booster last year and mom got her trust fund. Gave dad 
his booster last week, and now I'm the trust fund baby.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is a preliminary data on the newly released booster in shedding and spreading.

There are now a hundred people a day being vaxed in every pharm across America. This follows on the geezer homes, hospitals and staffs in how many tens of thousands and will soon be millions of people who will be vaxed in our communities. 

There is now enough evidence in personal stories, TL included, that people who have been vaxed are shedding on people, and those people are experiencing sore throats. For TL this basically felt like a cold coming on, and then it disappeared. Others are having a rather harsh bathroom flu and other isolated incidents like arm tingling or heart palpitations.

While I have not seen enough evidence on numbers, it does seem that some people are being incapacitated and dying quickly. That number is based on one person we knew.

This blog stated that there would be a flu spread by this vax, and it is spreading. I really did not have anything wrong with me for once which is surprising, but there is this unnatural flu appearing in soar throats and then intestinal sickness. Flu's designed by God NEVER before crossed the lines, either you had a head cold or you had a stomach flu. You never had both in order for people to not be wiped out.

IF this follows course, then the shedders should stop replicating prions in the next 2 to 3 weeks. I this is an incubation of a released flu, then the incubation period should produce a "flu" starting about the end of October.

Just something to be aware of in a first alert of what appears to be manifesting out there.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
