Friday, September 22, 2023

Summer Harvest


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is my July 25th post as we planted 4 broccoli plants, one was a freak mutant that bolted to heading to nothing in a few weeks in the heat and the other 3 produced big heads, which held with my not getting around to picking them.

That photo is the top of a washing machine, so that is how big my bread bowl is, and how big 3 heads are.

The fact is, is that 4 heads of this stuff is all TL and I can deal with. Our cukes were magnificent.........huge and not a bitter one in the mix.

Old pig shit, pulverized to roto till powder, deep watering when the garden required it to keep the top soil moisture to the sub soil has done wonders in our high heat..........better than HAARP cold which made this garden look Labrador needy last year.

I got to use my Corningware pie plate in the microwave to cook this first head. It was nice. Things are rather bland as I have made sure there was enough water and zero stress.

I have not gotten to the summer squash which is a shame as they are there maturing, but I have no time and no meal space for them. The two crooked necked plants look like from the age of dinosaurs in being huge and just lovely.

I did not plant cauliflower as I do not like planting them until almost July for a fall harvest when it is wet and cool, so they really are nice then. No plants, so no planting. It just worked out the way it did and I have been at least able to enjoy how lush the garden is although as I type this the potatoes are yellowing and falling over, as they have done their part in producing and are on the die back side, which always makes me sad, as they were so tall and lush this year as they should be.

I will probably get a few more cuttings of broc from these plants as I will be able to water them.

I will mention something I hope to switch to. I got these white sewer pipe ends from JYG and they are six inches. That is ok when things are planted, but for things like squash and brocolli that fill the pipe, I'm going to see if he has bigger pipe I can cut up for these specific crops as I can't get water to a plant that has fruit and plant filling the hole.

I think I have to get some flags or posts too as the vines cover things up so thick I have problems locating my pipes so I can water in that spot where the roots are. I think of this after the fact as I think I have time later when I'm planting.

That is about it for the update. Broc is a tard crop that produces for anyone, like summer squash and cukes. It is why the pioneer gardens all that stuff in it, as people depended upon it for food.

Nuff Said
