Edimus noctem, bibimus tempus
Fac nostra somnia vera facit
Oculi esurientes transeunt
In plateis vocamus saepti ferarum
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry examines American policy in WHAT WOULD GEORGE WASHINGTON DO?
Ronald Reagan went into Grenada to fulfill the Monroe Doctrine which globalist pasties Obama and Kerry stated did not apply anymore in the Americas, to save the Americas from foreign occupation in the Soviet Union.
He bombed Libya to punish the murder of Americans by terrorists.
Compare that to Bushism, Clintonism, Obamanism, Bidenim in invasions of Panama, Kosovo, Iraq, Afghanistan, Drone murder of Americans and the Ukraine proxy war on Russia. None of these wars ha anything to do with American interests or security. There was only a globalist agenda for the feudal few.
The Lame Cherry judges situations literally. When the District of Criminals who have hijacked America from Washingtonian Maxims of American policy, are involved in the mass slaughter of 500,000 Christian Orthodox Ukrainians and a projected 50,000 Russian Orthodox Russians, those are people who call upon the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and are now in Heaven probably crying to be avenged by God the Father.

Up to nine out of ten Ukrainian army draftees who joined in the last year have been either killed or wounded in action, a senior conscription officer in the country's Poltava Region said on Friday, according to local media.
Speaking at a meeting of Poltava City Council, Lt. Colonel Vitaly Berezhny, who serves as acting head of the of the local recruitment and social support center, admitted that local authorities are struggling with their conscription campaign,
Blood guiltiness is a rather abominable sin, like sodomy, blasphemy, pedophilia and basically the things promoted in the western cities of abomination. Blood guiltiness is a foul debt of the robbing of innocent life and there is only one payment which is accepted in Biblical Judgment. Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, life for life.
550,000 dead Protestant Christians. Is this the first down payment on the Martyrs of the Revelation of Jesus the Christ?
Does America, the English, Germans, French, Denmark, Canada, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, NATO all have a debt of 550,000 as a first payment?
If one examines history, the Egyptians preyed on the sons of Eber and were destroyed. Same with the Assyrians and Babylonians. Then the Romans preyed on the Christians and that empire disappeared too.
What is the price of blood guilt when it comes to 550,000 dead Protestant Christians when it comes to national sins.
The Jews murdered one innocent son of Judah around 33 AD in the year of our Lord. 37 years later that price for one murder, was the destruction of Jerusalem, the wiping out of Palestine and all the Jews shipped off to slavery throughout the Roman empire.
One innocent son of Judah murdered and an entire nation is wiped out. What price has the District of Criminals created in debt with London, for each abominable state in the West to pay?
We will all discover the cost of blood guiltiness.
Nuff Said
Mar 8, 2014 ... Albert Hammond - It Never Rains In Southern Californi, ein Hit 1972. Audio-CD-Sound zu altem Video-Material aus TV-Show.