Monday, September 18, 2023

It takes more than Hillary Clinton's Vagina


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Unless you are God, you can not fight the anti Christ nor their Schwabian order.

 - Lame Cherry

Even though you non donors are placing an infraction upon your entry to the Book of Judgment in you will be dismissed to Hell, this popular girl is going to help you, and I'm not going to help you because it means more hot coals on your head. I'm going to help you, each of you, because that is what is at the center of me in the Spirit of God.

I was reading a link from Rense on the Health Ranger and in it the guest mentioned that Globalization is dead. We have all heard the dreaded globalization word which brought our ruin, but we need to understand this. The guest stated that our being able to get slave labor cheap products in our Walmart was coming to an end. That is the type of globalization he was focusing on. Global control or Feudal Authoritarian Control will exist around the globe. The FBI proved this in the 1000 Americans it has as political prisoners over Jan6. So we have to understand that mass production by slaves for the many who did have money is ending, but Globalism is still the reality. It is though a Schwab board of executives dictating how your lives are, like Microsoft does, but in this case you can't quit life and find a new one, as one life is all you have.

The focus of this interview was that 7500 Americans were disabled or died daily, on top of the normal death rate. This is over 2 million excessive deaths a year. The guest was focused on production workers mostly, but even geezers and cripples have money to buy things to drive forward an economy.

The Lame Cherry though wills to expand your minds into a new arena so perhaps you can survive.

Meet you on the other side.

The short version of that conversation is that each day in America, there are about 2,500 excess deaths and 5,000 excess disability victims due to covid-19 vaccines. This means, on average, about 7,500 Americans are removed from the potential labor pool each day. Granted, not all 7,500 are currently working, but most of them theoretically could contribute to the work force if they chose to.

(Dead people breed deflation, when not replaced with foreign vermin.)

I will illustrate this in the American West. There was a boom time in the West when the government supplied Army ammuntion to buffalo hunters to kill off the buffalo in order to stop the Indian terrorists in depriving them of a food supply. The buffalo provided hides and tongues to the east.

What followed the buffalo hunters, were the bone pickers who picked up bones in wagons and sold them for fertilizer.

What followed them were the wolfers, the people who trapped the wolves and large predators so the next phase would appear in the livestock industry.

What followed that was the wheat farmers.

A wolfer trying to survive in trapping wolves which had been eliminated in a wheat farm era, would be like you trying to survive perhaps like me with an internet job here, when there is not an internet.

I have told you that the destroying of the oil industry is something that will have horrendous consequences, as it will not just reappear. There is a rolling tide in this of attrition. I have told you that Mexicans do not eat Cheerios. The era of Minneapolis breakfast cereals is coming to an end. There are many things which will come to an end, from vehicle production to getting a hot water heater.

I do not want you to give up, go into panic, because people did adapt in the buffalo to wheat eras. It is the point for you, that you should begin planning now, and that does include prepping with more than beans in a can. You should have the things you are using now for 3 years. You should have things that you will be in need of like traps and hooks to ammunition, for easier food gathering. A firearm shell gets you one kill. A trap is efficient in it keeps on as long as the spring is strong.

Your coming word is going to be one of Schwabian anti Christian order. What does that mean? I already told you, it is one of feudal control and no longer adequate production of goods for you. That is not something to wring your hands over. It is what this is about in adapting.

You are going to have to learn some basics. Start looking how people got hot water when there were not water heaters. That one would be a barrel type stove with a boiler on top, and coiled copper pipe around it, to deliver the water you need. You may not get to shower allot, unless you have a black barrel outside in the hot sun, but that is how you make hot water to make life more civilized.

What the Lame Cherry is trying to explain is what I have written here in JYG. JYG is my Junk Yard Guy. I have two in my neighbor is one too, and I am looking for a snow melt to dig around in an old Dodge pick up that I think is a 4 x 4, which will run on about anything put into it. Yes junk yards or salvage yards are going to be your salvation for finding things to fix the things you broke or are building.
You are going to have to adapt, to scrounging and to junk yards, and to fixing things yourself in a skill set of tools, and yes maybe a forge to make metal behave.

It is highly possible that there will be a client class of bone pickers who pick up dead humans and sell them. It is more probable that there will be junk dealers who drive around and haul away dead people's stuff for some smelter in a Schwabian land. I suspect that a great deal of supplies have been stored in bar aluminum, steel, copper and other ores, but as the immortals are going to around a very long time, they will keep collecting concentrate forms of metals for their use.

When Hillary Clinton taught "It takes a village to raise a child" and liberal cooed, you should have learned as the village is where we are all going to be forced back to. The Schwabian will break down. Sure drones will hunt down the new Voyageurs when the French fled the Catholic dictatorship and the crown, but there is going to be a mindset of necessity. You can not have cities of anything over 100,000 people in a broken society. There is too much shit coming out of people to have that many people shitting up the place. There is a limit on how many people you can have in locations without an electric grid, meaning coal, as there is not enough wood to supply large communities with cooking and heat.

The world is being devolved. For those who adapt it will mean communities which disappeared around 1950, in each community had people who were specialists in fixing things that broke. The era of Walmart will be over, as will the era of you sitting around not working or doing things you call work. No, it will be muscular work, not thinking work.

This implosion of civilization will short change to a Max Max type situation, but it will scavenging until the junk wears out. Then it will be as George Washington was shown in his Prophecy, a cottage America, meaning cottage industries of an 1800's type life. There will be more advanced locations and less advanced situations. What that crux of the situation is, if there is the ability to reform society upon morals, then an order will begin and civilization will begin generating again in the things you have access to now. If not, then the world will degrade to the 1600's which is an iron age.

I believe in Christ's return, so that is what I build toward. The human world will not survive in Schwabian bunkers, as it will atrophy and dictatorships which do not allow the mass of people to exploit the world to gain in their greed,  will degrade even further to something of thee American Indians.

This is where this is going, with Jesus or without Jesus. You are going to have to position yourself and for those who say they would rather be dead, I can promise you that you will be the most rabid in holding onto life and shoving babies out of the way to get your share.

We are all at the threshold of change. It is nothing to panic over. It is a reality to position yourselves for the best chance of survival and not suffering.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
