Sunday, September 17, 2023

Smokey Browns


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I had never tried this before but having necessity and the charcoal grill going in smoking meat, I decided to try hash browns in a skillet or as I call them Smokey Browns.

The recipe was simple in I put bacon renderings in the bottom of the pan, put in the hash browns, drizzled olive oil on top and put them onto the rack. (I started in the coals as I had meat up there yet, and that got too hot in burning them, but they did really good on the rack at 400 degrees.

I do not know how long I had the in there, but they were done, and they had a nice smoked flavor along with the bacon flavor. It was just a saving Grace in less work for me.

I have used tin foil and that takes about 20 minutes, butter and onions inside. That gets smoked flavor too. This though was the first time I used an open Chinaman skillet and was pleased with the results.

Yes 400 degree cast iron pans are hot, will burn you and will burn you even with a pot holder if you have to carry that pan too far.

bon apetite.

Nuff Said
