Saturday, September 16, 2023

Definition of a Slut

A woman adulterer

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry submits a call for another fake Republican to resign from Congress and be booted out of the Republican leadership forever.

This time  it is  Colorado  Representative Lauren Boebert who ran twice as a right wing mother and gun owner, and has mutated into something worse than the Alaska Hillbilly Show of Sarah Palin.

Boebert in an out of control performance, still married to her husband, in public was vaping, offending other people around her, threatened the people who threw her out of the theater and in the meantime defined the term SLUT by making out in public with an old man, democrat, booze seller out of rich man Aspen.

I do not like this immoral shit when it is Joe Biden fondling children. I do not like this shit when it is Donald Trump in his adultery.

What Lauren Boebert has done has  once again immersed the Republican Party in the stench of people who are not able to control themselves. When people can not control their own person, they can not be trusted with power over all of our lives.

If Lauren Boebert was a Christian, she would be in counselling to put her marriage back together, even if it meant resigning from Congress. She would have put all of us as American in jeopardy if the GOPliters in Government were actually real, instead of being all Nazis who hate Americans as January 6th has shown.

“I’ve never seen anyone act like that before.”

The behavior of Boebert, 36, and her date — Democratic Aspen bar owner Quinn Gallagher, 46 — eventually led to their ejection from the Buell Theatre after fellow audience members complained the two were being loud.

…The lawmaker, a mother of four boys and grandmother of one, filed for divorce from Jayson, her husband of 18 years, in May, citing “irreconcilable differences.”

As she and Gallagher were being booted, Boebert allegedly said, “‘Do you know who I am,’ ‘I am on the board’ (and) ‘I will be contacting the mayor,’” according to an incident report.

The Lame Cherry is the Republican Party of President William McKinnley in Christian morals. That morality denounces the whoredoms of Lauren Boebert who is absolutely no example of anything that should be presented before our children or the world as it pisses on every Christian who works every day in Christ to not act like some rancid spectacle which delights satan.

None of this is the image of the Republican Party and the Lame Cherry will not have this woman tainting my morals with her immorality.

Nuff Said

Aug 17, 2008 ... The song I Am Not A Whore by LMFAO with lyrics. Please rate and comment ! Also check out for cool LMFAO ...
