Friday, September 8, 2023

The Psyops Being Run

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is always interesting in Donald John Trump, like those pick ups chasing that bus in Texas for Donald Trump as a prelude to January 6th, that none of those people were arrested, anymore than the draping of this Trump drapery in New York City.

Kind of a Qanon thing really in those DIA operations, like the DC Pipe Bomber never get arrested, but others like on Jan 6 do get arrested.

The Lame Cherry states on fact in this Trump drapery. Enough people died on January 6th that we do not need any more death in the America with flag stunts.

Ashli Babbitt, an unarmed 35-year-old Air Force veteran, was fatally shot in the upper chest by Lt. Michael Leroy Byrd while attempting to climb through the shattered window of a barricaded door.

Brian Sicknick, a 42-year-old responding Capitol Police officer, was pepper-sprayed during the riot and had two thromboembolic strokes the next day, after which he was placed on life support and soon died. The D.C. chief medical examiner found he died from a stroke, classifying his death as natural, and commenting that "all that transpired played a role in his condition".

Rosanne Boyland, 34, died of an amphetamine overdose during the riot rather than, as was initially reported, from being trampled by other rioters after her collapse, ruled accidental by the D.C. medical examiner's office. Her mother, Cheryl Boyland, told NBC News, "She was not doing drugs. The only thing they found was her own prescription medicine."

Kevin Greeson, 55, and Benjamin Philips, 50, died naturally from coronary heart disease and hypertensive heart disease

Apparently this new Qanon  "quote" from 1776 AD in the year of our Lord is one of ..........mixing of Trumpaphores. I do not know if it is the New Hampshire slogan of Live Free or Die........

or Patrick Henry in Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death.

Like all things associated with Qanon and Donald the deserter Trump, none of it makes sense and that is by deliberate Robert Lansdale psychological the move Chauncey Gardener, starring Peter Sellers. It is the story of a half wit, gardener in New York, who is found with his dead employer who "does not work" anymore as Gardener is this simple minded. He ends up in the company of the elite of America, who want to run him for president.........only one doctor knows the guy is a half wit and confirms that all Sellers knows is that he is Chauncey the Gardener.

I you remember the cryptic posts of Qanon, it all played into the secret code of only the really intelligent people could ever make sense of the jibberish, if they had a guiding group to tell you not to pay attention to popular girls or any other sources.

If you were stupid enough to smuggle a huge flag into a stadium, which is checked by remember security in the check ever bag for how does this big flag get in, unless someone let them in.

If you did this in New York, the Second District would throw you into prison for Merrick Garland's domestic terrorism and of course the fag Major League Baseball would come up with some other charges and fines to your great harm.

So this was another set up by the DIA linked to Trump. More painting of people on the right as insurrectionists and revolutionaries, who are willing to die to make the Donald into Obama's 6th term as Joe Biden is serving the 5th term as much as Donald Trump kept all of Obama's policies in place, abandoned MAGA like he did Jan6ers, and the glaring fact is that people who do not have sense, need to be told to stay away from Donald Trump as much as Joe Biden, as they are both toxic creations  of the cartel.

Given the choice of Donald Trump or dying, I would choose Jesus the Christ Who does not force a choice, as you get Life either way. In Donald Trump, there is not any Patrick Henry as his choice was that death was preferable to to being enslaved without liberty. Donald Trump was no emancipator. He was just a manager of the status quo, except when it came to Apple billionaires who got tax breaks, while all we got was Obama high taxes after Donald Trump promised that no one earning under 50,000 dollars would have to pay income taxes.

For your own good, stay away from 2024 politics. The outcome is already set, and it is projected to not be anything any American would ever want to be associated with.

Donald Trump is a demagogue. Joe Biden is a Captain Dunzel.

There is a quote in the Bible of now is the time for the prudent to remain silent. This is nothing to get involved with.

This is a psychological operation to alienate all, both political sides from the American system. It has worked and will continue to be generated success, until you are exhausted and presented with a new order.  That new order will possess you. The only liberty in this is the One honest Person in the column and that is Jesus, Who is not running for anything. You are going to need an anchor once all of the things which give you foundations and borders are taken from you. You are going to have to have Christ inside, as that is where this conflict in you will take place.

Get away from politics and stay away from it. You are being baited again. Do not go down the rabbit hole again.

Nuff Said
