Friday, September 8, 2023


You may admire me...

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

PS wrote recently and things have been overwhelming here since that letter and it was about if I had any suggestions about how to deal with a woman who seems to be only interested in friendship.

When the letter came in, TL and I discussed this and TL said something like I sounded like Red Pill in advice. It was simple in asking the woman out, having a gift on the seat that has to be moved, like a fishing reel or something you like, just moving it without explanation, and then setting your cell to two alarms. The first one would be you reading a text in silence and closing it. The second one was 'I got to take this" and then a pretend conversation of, "Yes I got the package, thank you. (listening for an uncomfortable length of time) That is very kind of your parents to offer. (more listening)  Yes we can talk tomorrow more as I'm with a buddy now. (Listening) Bye bye.

With that you have let her know that a woman is giving you gifts, which every woman knows means they want more and hearing about the parents, means it is a woman who is serious husband hunting.

She is either going to get in the game in "every woman wants what another woman's got" or not. You will know immediately or in a few days, as she is going to ask as she is nosy and as TL suggested, that "buddy" line is the ultimate bitch slap.

Now in telling you this, I will tell you that TL and I just invested 12 1/2 hours this week in listening to a shattered man. He has lost his family, his job, his home and his health all because of a woman.

When TL and I met, I told TL that every person KNOWS from the moment they meet if they are serious or not in being with that person. No one gets convinced of anything.

What the woman you are with sounds like, is a trinket woman. She collects a guy around for attention, saving her nethers for a real target while you get to hear later what a bad guy he was for not being suckered by her wiles. She would use other terms of course. In numbers of cases, you are then supposed to be flattered after she pops out two little bastards that she has chosen you to now be she dumps the kids on you and runs off with her girlfriends to bitch about how selfish men are.

So in being exhausted in dealing with an open wound human for this many hours, I would advise no games as there are enough games going on. If you are serious, tell her you are looking for a serious person in your life and not a biking buddy or pizza girl. This is probably the only time the woman will ever be honest with you, as women get consoling and honest when they are wiggling out of their own trap. This way you will know, instead of wasting time and money on another game player who is already lying to you and waiting around to trade up. You are not some throw away luggage. You are a man of value. So throw a few more lines out and you will catch some women who know what a catch you are.

TL has a sister who was pricking around online looking for a significant other, because TL found me, and it was now a competition. Sister was fucking around like she always does with playing cute. A player in the military knew damned sick what she was doing and moved on. Another guy who looked like that bald guy from Seinfeld, put up with her not being serious for about 2 weeks, and in the meantime found a woman who was serious about getting married, moved to that state and that is what they did.

I know what it is like to be alone. I know what it is like to be used. I know what it is like to be abused.  I know what it is like to be discarded. I put up with allot of shit from people, because those people all knew I would put up with that shit. I also told a bunch of users off in that time. None of those people were serious about a real relationship.

I would though think the serious relationship talk should come either at the end of a date where the woman is driving herself home as you do not want to be in car with that uncomfortable situation. You will know in an instant if you bring things up, how it is going to go.

I just do not want anyone stuck in a fraud relationship by gaming someone into make a choice in they think they are getting something which someone else wants. You do not want to be stuck with something like that as she will never value you and she will cut your ass off and run in hard times which are coming.

I have seen what dishonesty does and games this week. I'm suffering for it as it takes a great deal of work to heal what was once a confident human.

I might though before the big talk about where this is going, just talk to some other women in preparation in asking them out, because a relationship which is not going anywhere, is because the woman is absorbing the attention for free and is not interested in it going anywhere.

Nuff Said
